May 13, 2009

Lovely Tuesday with Ayah

I went to KL with my dad yesterday sebab nak cari kasut untuk guna masa U nnti.

Ayah woke me up around 10.00pm. "Bangun laa kakak. Dah lambat ni. Nak gi KL". He said that in an angry voice. Relaks aa ayah. Jangan marah2. I didn't say that to him. I just said it to myself. Hehe. I thought we were going out around 2pm. That's why I didn't wake earlier.

Ayah dah siap masa tu. Awal je ayah siap. I took my shower lepas ayah keluar bilik. Siap2 semua. It took me about an hour to get ready. After I put on my clothes, I went downstairs and took my breakfast. I just had bread with milo.

After I ate, I called ayah , telling him that I was ready.

Went out at 11 pm. There was a minor traffic at the federal highway. But after mid, the road became smooth again. I mean no traffic.

Ayah parked his car at Pertama Complex. The complex was located beside Sogo. Ayah just parked his car there.

Then, we went to Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman (Jln TAR) by foot. We went in a shoe shop. Cari laa kasut kulit hitam. Then, dapat kasut tu. Sedap jugak pakai but takde size. Aduhai. This is my problem. Kalau nak beli kasut and seluar mesti je takde size. aduhai. Orang lain senang je nak beli kasut & seluar. The only thing that is easy to find my size is shirts. That's why I always buy shirts and rarely I bought pants and shoes.

After that, we went to Sogo to find the shoes. Tapi tak jumpa jugak. Eventhough ada Hush Puppies punya kasut jual kat situ, tapi cam pekerja2 dia asyik sibuk sembang je. Malas laa aku. So, I decided to go home.

But then, ayah asked me, "Nak gi Mid tak?" I said I don't care because he's the driver.

So, off we went to Mid but before that we have to go to Pertama Complex since ayah parked our car there.

Then, jalan2 cari kedai kasut. Semua tak sedap pakai. Pastu gi tengok Directory Board sebab nak cari kedai Hush Puppies yang jual kasut. So, tengok2. Haaa.. Hush Puppies located at level G. So, jalan2 kat level G and jumpa laa kedai Hush Puppies. Went in. Terus ambik kasut yang dh try kat Subang Parade. I asked for my size, which is 4. Actually, my size is 3 1/2. Tapi 4 paling kecik. So, mintak je laa 4. BEsar sikit laa kasut tu tapi sedap gila pakai. Pastu dia cam padding nak letak dalam kasut bagi betul2 muat. Lepas letak padding tu, memang muat aa. Pastu cakap ayah I really want that shoes. Ayah pun ckp ok. So, bayar laa kasut tu.

After that, ayah asked me nak beli ape lagi. I just said ntah aa, tak de pape kot.

Sebenarnye, memang nak beli benda lagi. Tapi cam segan. Tak tau kenapa. Ayah ada jugak tanye tak nak beli beg ke. I just said no. but dalam hati ni memang nak sangat2. hahaha. haish. fau ni.

Since takde benda nak beli, ayah decided went to eat. We ate at Chicken Rice Shop. You know what? We had the same mind because we ordered the same thing. We ordered the same food. Even the drink too. My mum always say that I have his personalities. I have to agree on that.

We went home after that. Watched Upik Abu & Laura.

At 3.30pm, Iwa texted me. Dia ajak lepak rumah baya. Aku pun cakap ok .

At 4.15pm, I asked ayah's permission to go out. He gave me the green light.

Siap. Then, went out. I used his car to baya's car sebab senang nak parking.

Masa baya online, Messi suruh baya bawak dia gi Post Office sebab nak hantar surat. So, baya suruh dia ready cepat2 sebab nak keluar masa tu jugak.

We went to Messi's house dengan Naza. Iwa told us that the car is a company car. Kena guna buat sementara sebab Estima kat workshop.

Masa sampai, Messi tak siap lagi. I mean he didn't get the address yet. He called his mom and bro but they didn't pick up their phones.

So, we went into his house. Duduk and sembang kejap. Dah nak dekat pukul 5.45pm, Iwa bagitau dia suruh hantar surat tu esok je. dia pun ok je.

Iwa sent me to my car and baya home. I went to Pangking to pick up Faeesol and Nana. Nana abis kelas pukul 6. So, tunggu laa kejap kat kerusi tu.

Lepas dah ambik Nana and Faeesol, we went to TTDI Jaya to buy pisang goreng. I met Naufal there.

Went home. Makan kejap pastu kena bersiap nak gi kelas tarian. Pukul 7 keluar and pick up Mira. Gi SACC mall.

Parked my car. Went to Alam Central sebab nak beli sanggul rambut palsu. I was lucky yesterday sebab kedai tu bukak. Yay! Beli rambut palsu tu. It cost about RM38 but I got a discount. So, I only had to pay RM35.

Went back to SACC. Mira nak beli Big Apple. Mira tak habis2 cakap dia from kampung laa and dia tak biasa benda bandar aa. Apetah dia tu. Haha. Beli 6 donut. 3 for Mira and 3 for me.

Went to dance class. Semalam punya class just nak ajar mira tarian sebab dia kan gi PLKN. So, ada tarian baru untuk show next tuesday yang mira kena perform. Nasib mira cepat tangkap. Takde laa macam aku. Beribu kali buat benda yang sama masa mula2 belajar. Tapi dah lama2 baru ok. Kira dah lama2 baru pro. hahahaha. Just kidding. Lama jugak aa nak hafal.

The class ended at 10pm. Sent Mira home. Then, I went home.

Ayah wasn't at home when I arrived. He went to badminton practice at dewan U8. Dia sampai rumah dalam pukul 12.

That's all about yesterday.


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