June 19, 2009

One more week to go

Aku tak blh tido. Tak tau kenapa. And now it's already 2.23am. I have to wake up early tomorrow since I'm going to KL with mak tomorrow to do some shopping for UiTM stuff. haish.

A lot of stuff in my mind now. Cam berserabut sikit. Ntah laa berserabut pasal apetah. I need someone to be my crying shoulder now. Really do need it. but I don't know who.

Things that I wanted to do on next week.
  1. Last minute shopping with Sopi, Fanah and Alin in Bangsar and maybe OU. Gonna go out from morning till night. Maybe.
  2. Sleepover at my house on Tuesday.
  3. Get my hair cut.
  4. Gonna watch Hannah Montana The Movie with Faeesol and Nana on Friday.
  5. Watch 17 Again with Sopi, Fanah and Alin.
  6. Packing.
  7. Maybe had lunch with Mak kat luar.

I'm not ready to leave my family. I really am not. Just thinking about it makes me so nervous and it gets me a headache. haish.



shakila shakilot said...

haha rilek la fau. mmg its hard to leave ur family fr the 1st time, but u'll gain new experiences, and ull have fun. and u'll meet a lot of new people, anak2 raja maybe. hahaha :p so try to enjoy it ok :)

Lolo said...

ok2. i harap i dpt laa jumpa anak2 raja tu. haha. i ikut your advice.