August 1, 2009


I'm going back to Kuala Pilah tomorrow. Huhu. Byebye house, byebye bed, byebye bathroom, byebye cars, byebye tv, byebye internet, byebye radio. I'm gonna miss u guys. hahaha.

Cepatnya holiday dah habis. The class will going to start on Monday. Huhu. I'm not really enjoying my holidays eventhough I went out to the mall with my bro. But still, I'm not enjoying it. Duit pun takde nak shopping. I just hope that I'm going to watch the proposal next weekend with Sopi, Alin in Melaka. Can't wait. I'm already miss them. I really really do. I miss Fanah too. Lama jugak tak jumpa dia dengan aksi2 18 and above dia tu. hahaha.

That's all for now. Love fau.