November 7, 2009

Final Exam

Dah 3 test aku buat. Tinggal lagi 3.
Paper yang dah buat: BEL120 (which is english), BIO120 (which is biology) and CTU101 (which is agama).
Paper yang belom bwat: MAT(133) (which is mathematics), PHY101 (which is physics) and CHM101 (which is chemistry).
sekarang tgh cuti. the next paper hari isnin. x saba je nk habis. blh kluar. woohoo. I miss hanging out with my friends. Maybe I'm going out with my friend to play ice-skating masa minggu aku baru lepas balik. x saba nya.

Gap CTU and MAT panjang sgt. 5 hari. harini hari yang ke 4. Lama gila. Aku mcm tak blh nk cncentrate je this few weeks. I don't know why. I hope someone could tell me why.

Budak2 Pra-Dip dah habis dah exam hari khamis haritu. Best je diorang. Ramai dah balik. Harini pun ada lagi ramai yang balik lg. huhu. Nak balik jugak. X tahan nya tgk diorang balik. X pe. Saba je laa fau. haish.

Dia pun balik jgk. Mesti bosan. X de org nk cerita for a week. Plus, x de org nk teman mkn. Hsemates aku plk asyik mkn sndri je. Diorg bkn nk tmankn. Pastu, slalu kena mkn kt dlm bilik je. Bosannya. Sorg hsemate aku sorg ni plk asyik kluar dgn pakwe dia je. Pakwe dia abg cafe. Abg tu baik gila. Aku dah anggap abg tu mcm abg ipar aku. haha. If anything just bgtau abg tu je. Abg tu msti tlg nya kitorg. Suka laa kitorg. hehe. Trpaksa laa aku mcm mkn sorg2 je for a week. haish. Bnda ni x boleh nk mengadu kt dia. nnti dia bangga lebih. Ish. x suka gila dia bangga. Nnti dia suka sakat aku. aduhai.

Back to final exam. The first test was BEL120. Ok laa test tu. blh jwb. and blh bwat essay dia. Nasib tajuk essay dia x de laa ssh sgt. even diorg dh sediakan content utk kitorg. Lega gila aku. Dah laa masa tu aku mcm blur je.
Then, after BEL habis, ada 2 hari gap before the nxt exam start. The next paper was BIO120. Bayangkan laa aku dpt tido for 5 minutes je that night. aduhai. Ni semua sbb msg org. start msg from pkul 1 sampai pkul 7 pg. study pun x. apa nk jd laa dgn aku. dh laa masa tu ada brape chapter x revise lg. ntah pape je aku ni skrg. mls gila nk study. x tau knp. pls someone . help me. bia aku seda sikit and study. haish. tp nasib laa paper tu aku blh bwat. kalau x, mati laa aku. tp aku x tau knp, bila masuk UiTM je, marks for BIO tinggi jgk laa. Kalau masa skola dulu msti rndah je. aku x tau laa nk pilih ape, aliran phy or bio masa sem 3 . peningpening.

After that, paper CTU. seperti biasa aku mls gila jgk nk study. The day before paper CTU tu, aku teman dia study kt anjung (our cafe). Aku ajar laa dia CHM. dia x minat chm. dia ckp chm x logik. ntah pape je dia. Phy blh plak bwat. aku plk yang x suka phy. ssh gila. x paham gila. ntah pape je phy. projectile motion laa, centripedal motion pe tah laa. haish. mcm2 laa. bg aku chm ok je. aku sng nk paham.

and now, I'm waiting for the next paper. cn't wait. maybe post after this nk upload gmbr2 kt uitm ni. kira mcm memory in uitm kuala pilah for the 1st sem. X saba nk tnggu the next sem. Tnggu junior2 ku. hehe.

I think that's all for now. I need to study now. Tata.

-love, fau

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