December 15, 2009


Is there any medicine that can cure fever immediately. I'm sick. I couldn't stand the heat that comes out from my body. But when I didn't cover myself with blanket, I'll feel very cold. I just hate to feel uncomfartable. Makan pun x lalu. Tapi perut ni dari tadi dah buat macam2 lagu dah. haish. I just lay down the whole day. Nasib plan nak keluar hang out dengan Iwa tak jadi. Sebab tak larat. Tapi nak jugak jumpa dia. Rindu laa. Lama tak jumpa Iwa.

I can't wait to go out with my friends this thurs. We're going to pavi and maybe we're going to karaoke at the Red Box. Maybe I'm going alone since I have to send Faeez to his friend's house. He's going to his reunion that evening with his friend. I'm gonna pick him up after his reunion is over. I hope I have a blast time that day. Can't wait. hehe.


1 comment:

farhanahizani said...

sucks kan plan pergi red box x jd :(
anyway, jgnla balik uitm awal sgt fau!
jom la lepak dulu :(