May 26, 2009


I really want to write about what I did last week but I don't have the mood and the time to write bout it. I've done many exciting things last week. Eventhough it was a stressful and moody week, but many exciting and fun I've done last week. I've wrote about 19th Mac 2009, 21st May 2009 and 22nd May 2009. So, in this blog I'm going to write about 18th May 2009 and will going to write about 20th and 23rd May on the next post. I have nothing to do and to write.

Here goes...

18th May 2009

Oh well. Hmm. What happened on 18th May?? Let me recall. At first, I thought I must fetch my siblings at school but then, ayah called and told me that he was going to fetch them. Nasib. Tak payah nak drive. haha. But aku dah terbangun awal. Aduhai. I watched tv, but then I fall asleep for 1/2 hour. Woke up and took shower.

Waited for my siblings to arrive. Had lunch with my siblings. Faeesol went to ad-daris by bus. Watched Upik Abu & Laura with Nana. That day's episode was boring. I didn't enjoy watching that movie.

Watched tv until Mira texted me at 4pm to get ready to go to dance class. She arrived at my house at 4.30pm. I didn't notice she arrived until she called me.

Mak mira and her sis, Aina was in the car too. They were sitting at the back. I sat infront. Mira drove the car.

Arrived at Section 7 at 5pm. But there was no one except for Hariz and Abang Cik. They came early. Actually, hariz and Mira cam berlumba sape sampai dulu. Sape sampai lambat kena belanja. Obviously Mira kalah. Sebab kitorang memang slalu dtg lambat pun. So, nak race sape sampai dulu dgn kitorang tak payah laa. Aku mengaku kalah dulu. Hehe.

Boring gila masa tunggu Cikgu Man semua. Tak tau nak buat apa. CD tarian and CD player wasn't there. It was in Cikgu Man's car. We were boring to death.

Then, Hariz and Abg Cik were hungry, so, they went to eat at the shop nearby.

When they left us alone, Mira taught me some dance movements. LAgu Joget 106.

Mira had already fell asleep. I almost fell asleep when suddenly Abang Cik bang the door loudly. Aduhai. Kacau je. The door wasn't lock. Saja je dia.

Cikgu Man arrived at 6pm with Kak Sherry. Abg Ary arrived after that. He forgot to bring shirt and pants untuk rehearsal that night. So, he called Kak Keman, his fiancee to bring shirt and pants for him.

Kak Kemam arrived at 6pm while Adam came last. He arrived at 6.15pm. He was late. His reason was doing his "assignment". Actually, he didn't do his assignment, dia dating dengan gf. Dating hari lain je laa. Tah pape je. Cam laa orang lain tak de girlfriend and boyfriend. Pape je dia tu.

Changed my pants. Then we took off at 6.45pm. AKu and Mira naik kete Kak Kemam tapi Abang Ary yang bawak. Yang lain naik kete Cikgu Man. Arrived there at 8 pm. Waited for our turn to rehearse. It took a long time for our turn. Aduhai. Artist semua tak datang haritu. Diorang datang masa event tu.

The first dance masa rehearse ok je. Tak de lupa. But mira cam ada lupa sikit at the end of the dance. LAgu Rindu. The 2nd dance, ok aa jugak. Cuma lupa sikit je tapi tak perasan sangat. The 3rd dance was a mess. I forgot the steps. Tu pun sebab cam kitorang kena menari backup and cam kelam-kabut sikit sebab stage kecik.

Pastu cam diorang nk buat 2nd punya rehearsal. But kitorang malas nak buat sebab dah lambat gila. Yang lain2 ada kerja and Abang Cik kena gi sekolah on the next day. So, balik laa. Abang Ary guna jalan lain. So, kiranya kitorang sampai dulu dari Cikgu Man. Kena laa tunggu Cikgu Man and yang lain2 for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Cikgu Man sent me and Mira home. He sent Mira first then, he sent me home. Nasib masa nak dekat sampai rumah mak terjaga and mak call aku. So, mak bukak pintu untuk aku. I didn't bring my keys.

Mandi and makan dinner. Mak pulak tak boleh nak tidur balik. So, I accompanied her. Pukul 3.30 baru tidur. Itu je laa pasal 18th May 2009.

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