May 27, 2009

I love you

Today is a great day. Oh well. Actually, at first I thought it was not. but then, I recalled what I've done today and I found it that it's a great and happy day for me.

I don't why I'm happy for someone. Because that person has met someone. I'm really happy for that person. I'm not going to reveal the identity of that person. I'm just going to call that person Z in this blog. I'm glad for Z. At last, Z found someone that love Z back. wohoo.. Okay. I'm a bit crazy today. I don't know why.

I want to share my happiness moment with my friends but they are not in the mood. I don't know why. I hope they are okay tomorrow.

I love all my friends. My cutie sopi, my polar bear iwa, my adik lala, my another adik mira, my kakak baya, my vogue adlin, my sweety alin and my porn star fanah. They are all my bucuk2. Macam bantal bucuk tu. haha. Kalau tak de diorang memang tak boleh tidur. hahaha. I miss iwa. Dia dah gi UIA dh. Dah seminggu tak jumpa dia.. huhu. Lepas ni Lala and Adlin pulak gi. Haish. Then, yang lain2 pulak including me. I'm gonna miss them a lot. Six months with them is something that can't be erase from my mind and it also can't be replace with somethingelse. There's no words to decribe how meaningful them to me.

I know sometimes I can be annoying and stuff. But diorang layan je. And sometimes I have the craziness moment but still diorang layan je. These are people that I really want to have as my friends. They really make my life more adventurous and fun. I could even experiment my life with them, where I couldn't do it by myself. Even when I'm sad or have problems, they always give me some advices and support that I really need it at that moment. No matter what people would say about them, I really love them.

I think that's all for now.
-love, fau


Farhanah Izani said...

aku pun sedih gak.
yes yes
porn star syg kamu jugak ; )
haha. kau kat belakang aku skrg
ats katil aku.

Lolo said...

haha. pron star syg aku?? wah. trharunya. hahahaha.
suka kau aku kt belakang kau? hehe.