January 30, 2009
Today, I woke up at 8 smthng. Sorfina yg kejut. I was the one woke up last today. After I brushed my teeth, I went downstairs with Lala & Sorfina, and had breakfast. Then, we went back home.
I watched tv until 12.30. Then, I slept. I woke up at 6.30pm. haha. Lamanya tidur. Tak sedar langsung. haha..
That's all for now. muahh..
-love, fau
Curve & Cineleisure

-love, fau
January 29, 2009
Sleepover at my house

January 27, 2009
-love, fau

-love, fau
January 25, 2009
Looking Foward

Invitation to Alin's Sleepover
Macam ni bermula... Masa tidur kat rumah lala, I nak charge handphone. Usually, when I charge my phone, there was a red light but during I charged my phone at Lala's house, there was no red light & it was not charged. I was pissed off because I was expecting an important message from someone. aduhh.. Macam bengang gila. Pastu pagi tadi lagi aa. Tiba-tiba handphone ni tak boleh charge langung & tak boleh on langsung. Memang sah handphone ni dah rosak.Rindu aa handphone. Huhu. Now, I'm using my brother's phone. I mean Faeez's phone. But tmorrow I have to give back his phone. So, I think I'm using Nana's phone. Hmm. Tak pe laa. Nanti ayah bawak handphone tu gi repair. Harap2 aa nanti dia ok.
-love, fau
January 22, 2009
Sleepover at Farhanah's House
-love, fau

We at Kopitiam at Cineleisure

Naufal drove us back. He drove without a license.
-love, fau
Sleepover at Sorfina's House

We were acting crazy
We were making funny faces
-love, fau
January 19, 2009
Sleepover at Lala's House
Last night I slept at Lala's house. Lala invited Fanah, Sorfina, Baya & Mira too but they could not make it. The reasons why they could not come.
- Fanah: because her mum was sick
- Sorfina: because she getting ready for tonight's sleepover at her house
- Baya: today is her computer test for driving
- Mira: she can't sleepover during weekdays. because she has to help her mum with house chores.
Lala took me out for dinner. Lala belanja last night. We had our dinner at Mak Jah. I had nasi goreng cina and teh 0' ice and Lala had nasi goreng kampung and watermeln juice for dinner. While we were eating, there was a guy drove alphard. He did not know how to park reverse parking. Dia macam susah sangat nak park kereta tu. Lepas dia park kereta, dia asyik keluar masuk je Mak Jah tu & slalu lalu sebelah meja kitorang. By the way, we were sitting outside. Everytime dia lalu je sebelah kitorang, dia asyik pandang Lala je. Lala felt very uncomfortable with that guy looking at him . Then, we went home. I mean to Lala's house. I brought my laptop to her house. So, we on9 together. She used her big laptop & I used my small laptop. I was so lazy to take shower. Then, after awhile, Lala took her shower and I decided to take shower after that. After that, we went downstairs to watch tv and Lala was hungry. She ate coco krunch & dutch lady milk. She ate a full bowl of it. At first, we watch ANTM cycle 5 at 8tv(708). Then, we watched House at AXN(701). Lala's si.ster, Illi was hungry. so, she asked Lala to cook Mee Sedap & scramble egg. Lala punya scramble egg tak jadi. Scramble egg dia jadi telur dadar. LOL. Lala also cooked mee sedap for me. Thank you, my dear Lala. Lepas cerita House habis, we decided to go upstairs to sleep.
We woke up at 10 am. I checked my hp. Cikgu Rafee, the driving instuctor called me. But I did not pick up his call sebab tutup hp. Then I texted him, "kenapa call?". Then, he called.
Cikgu Rafee: "Boleh tak driving hari ni?"
Fau: "pukul bape?"
Cikgu Rafee: "pukul 2."
Fau: "ouh ok. Nanti saya tanya sorfina dulu."
Cikgu Rafee: "ok. Nanti msg saya."
Fau:"ok. bye"
We were so sleepy , then, we slept again. I woke up at 1pm. Malu je sebab bangun lambat sangat. I don't know at what time Lala woke up because when I woke up, she was already with her laptop. I took my bath and we had our breakfast. Her mum cooked mee hailam. It was delicious. Her mum is a good cook. I love her Laksa sarawak and sambal nasi lemak. nyum nyum. After Lala took her shower, then her mum sent me home.
-love, fau-
The Cancellation
January 18, 2009
-love, fau-
Shazalin is going to leave us
Petang tadi ada gathering sebab nak jumpa alin before die gi college. Mula-mula diorg gather kat secret recipe pkul 5 but I could not make it sebab pegi asrama Faeez. Yang pegi secret: Mira, Sorfina, Alin , Lala, Baya & Fanah. since I could not make it, Alin decided to spend time with us until 9 pm. at 7.30pm , alin called. she said that she is going to my house to pray. Then, we went to burger king at sec 13. Macam2 kitorg borak. Lala drove us there. Then, she sent us home at 8.40pm.
-love, fau-

Faeesol & nana was very happy to see Faeez. They talked a lot just now.

Meet my dad

Love my mum