January 25, 2009


huhu. Handphone rosak. Dah banyak hari dia tunjuk sign nak rosak.
Macam ni bermula... Masa tidur kat rumah lala, I nak charge handphone. Usually, when I charge my phone, there was a red light but during I charged my phone at Lala's house, there was no red light & it was not charged. I was pissed off because I was expecting an important message from someone. aduhh.. Macam bengang gila. Pastu pagi tadi lagi aa. Tiba-tiba handphone ni tak boleh charge langung & tak boleh on langsung. Memang sah handphone ni dah rosak.Rindu aa handphone. Huhu. Now, I'm using my brother's phone. I mean Faeez's phone. But tmorrow I have to give back his phone. So, I think I'm using Nana's phone. Hmm. Tak pe laa. Nanti ayah bawak handphone tu gi repair. Harap2 aa nanti dia ok.

-love, fau

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