I host a sleepover last night. Fanah, sorfina & lala came to the sleepover. I met Fanah and Lala at pangkin. Then, we sent lala home & picked sorfina. Then, went to Fanah's house amek adik dia sebab adik die nak bawa kereta tu balik rumah dia. Lala arrived at my house at 8pm. We watched tv & on9. Then, we took some pictures. Then, suddenly, camera Fanah jatuh atas hidung I. It was painful but then,the pain is gone. aduhh. takot nye kalau hidung bengkak. Hilang aa kemancungan hidung ni. hehe. Lepas tu kitorang pasang webcam dengan alin. Kitorang chat sampai pukul 1.30am. Kitorang tido nak dekat pukul 3.

1 comment:
mcm kenal gambar nih
jap. kau x abis tulis ke?
bkn la.. mcm kau x buat penutup. hehe
tapi SORRY giler camera maut sial aku tuh
aku geram betul.
dont worry. kau tetap kelihatan anggun walaupun hidung kau bengkak
tp x bengkak pun.
lala je sje.
sorry tau
and thank u so much fr the slpover!
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