February 28, 2009
Not at home
My mum and siblings arrived home at 1pm. I was waiting for them to arrive home since 12pm. I thought they went to Subang Parade without me but they were actually waited for Faeesol to finish the football match. After a few minutes they arrived home, Ustaz that always teaches Faeesol and Nana arrived.
Mak tanye: "Kakak nak guna Kancil tak harini?"
Fau: "Tak. Kenapa? Mak nak guna ke?"
Mak: "A'aa. Mak nak gi KL. Nak beli kain."
Fau: "Nak ikut?"
Mak: "Jom aa. "
Fau: "Mak nak gi pukul bape?"
Mak: "Jap lagi mak nak gi aa. Mak tukar baju jap"
After 5 minutes, I went to my parent's room.
Mak: "Jap. Tak pergi lagi. Nak rehat jap."
Fau: "Tak. Kakak nak mandi dulu boleh tak?"
Mak: "Mandi aa."
Then, around 3.30pm, we went to KL. There were a lot of people today went to KL. A lot of parking lot were full. Tapi nasib kat SOGO, ade parking. Mak park kat situ and terus gi jalan.
Then, we went back for awhile while waited for Maghrib. Then, after Maghrib, we went to Subang Parade. Ramai jugak orang. aduih. Tapi nasib jugak aa ade parking. Nana wanted to buy books. At first, I didn't want to buy anything but then, after my mum had offered to buy book for me, so I bought 2 books. One is a comic and the other is a novel. Comic: CHOCOLAT (4). Novel: FAMILY AFFAIRS. SECRETS OF MY HOLLYWOOD LIFE.
I was not in the mood today. I'm very sleepy and had a headache. I hope I get well soon. Sorry to Sorfina and Lala sebab tak berapa layan kat YM tadi. I'm very very sorry.
That's all for now. Till the next time. Hugs and kisses.
-love, fau
February 27, 2009
OMG!!! It's already 4pm??!!
To danial kaoru: I'm feeling much better now. I'm not sad anymore. hahaha. Thanx for the offer but I can take care it.
I woke up late today. Very very late. Around 4 pm but I slept early last night at 1 am. Maybe because I was exhausted. The reasons why I'm exhausted:
February 22, 2009
Now, I just don't know what to do. I'm sad, angry. Maybe I shouldn't tell what's making me sad, angryy, etc here. I just keep to myself for now.
I hope people would be more concern about others' feelings. I always want to make the others happy eventhough I don't like it.
Now, I just want to be with those who really really want to be with me. I need them now. =(
I don't want those that at first they are friends with me, but later they just throw me away from their life like I'm a rubbish or useless thing. I have feelings too like all of you. Just think for awhile, everyone, what have you done throughout your life. Have you hurt anyone and you didn't appologise to them yet? So, now is the time. It's not to late to appologise to them . They're still human with feelings. They probably forgive you and take you back but don't care so much whether they gonna forgive you or not. Just say sorry to them and what have you done. That's all. That one word, I don't think that it gonna hurt you or anyone. I gonna make things ok or better.
That's all for now.
-love, fau
February 20, 2009
A Crazy Ride
I didn't do anything much. Just watch tv & on9.
Around 4pm, Iwa picked me up. At first, we went to TTDI jaya. Iwa nak cuci gambar. Cuci gambar wedding kakak dia. Dia nak cuci 3 gambar je but kedai tu kena cuci lebih dari 5. Iwa just nak cuci 5 je. Then, Iwa decided nak cuci gambar kat Giant. Then, we went to Giant. Gambar tu boleh ambik lepas 4 jam.
Then, we went to R.S. I said to Sorfina, we gonna meet her at R.S. She drove her Waja to R.S.
We chat for awhile then around 5.20pm, Sorfina had to fetch her bro at Kumon. Around 5.45pm, ade aa laki ni datang aa pulak kat R.S. Masa tu jantung dah macam dup dap dup dap. Uish. He's the person that I really really don't want to meet. I don't even want to see any part of his face or his body. haish. Asal laa harini jugak kena nampak dia. Pastu Iwa ajak gi ambik adik2 dia.
Then, gi ambik adik Iwa and went to playground kat rumah Lala dulu. Main aa sekejap. Then, Iwa forgot yang dia kena ambik Abel kat pangkin. Pastu, dia panggil aa adik2 dia semua balik. She sent me home.
Around 8.15pm, adik2 gi Kumon. Masa nak keluar rumah, my dad gave me his car key. Ayah suruh drive sampai kat section 9. Huish mak aih. Hati dah cuak ni masa ayah bagi kunci. This is my first time drive at night outside Bkt Jelutong. Uish.
Ayah cakap I drive bahaya. Memang bahaya sebab masa nk tukar lane, I tak nampak kereta kat blindspot. Sumpah tak nampak. Main masuk je. Naseb ayah sempat nampak. kalau tak, mesti accident tadi. I really don't know how to estimate masa nak tukar lane and nak potong kereta lain.
Pastu masa balik pun ayah suruh drive jugak but better sikit aa bawak dari masa nak gi but then, I arrived home safely. I just need more practice then I would be ok. I tak biasa drive jauh2 malam and tak rapa clear sangat malam. Nanti boleh train lagi. Thanx dad for teaching me just now. hehe.
-love, fau
February 17, 2009
What a day..
Then, around 4pm, Iwa went to pick up Lala and send her bros to Ad-Darris. then, she picked me up . We went to Baya's house. Mira went to Baya's house later. Mira nak sangat teh ais yang baya buat. Then, baya pun buat laa teh ais tu. Baya's mom cooked meehoon for us. It was delicious. I was so hungry because I didn't take my lunch. Baya on9 dengan Mint. Kitorang chat through call ape tah. Banyak kitorang cakap dengang mint. We had a great time at Baya's house. Harap dapat macam tu lagi.
Around pukul 6, Iwa hantar Lala dulu before ambik adik2 dia. Then, Iwa sent me home. I was glad that today was amazing. I hope that I can have a day like today. Thanx .. Love u all.
February 15, 2009

On the green necklace was written the word BEST. (Alin)
On the pink necklace was written the word FRIEND. (Sorfina)
On the yellow necklace was written the word FOREVER. (Fau)
Then we went watched the movie. In the beginning of the movie was boring but in the end it was great.
After the movie, we went to search for Fikri's present. There was a shop that sold a shirt that printed "I'M A VIRGIN" on it. I wanted to buy that shirt for Lala but I don't have enough money to buy it. hehe. Saja nak beli.
Then, around 6.30pm we went home with cab. We went to Alin's house. Then, anta Sorfina kat padang besar because her dad was waiting for her there. Her father was actually waiting for Sorfina's brother to finish his football training. Then, Alin went to my house because she wanted to upload photos that she took that day. Then, around 8.30pm we sent her home.
I really had a great time with them. They really know how to have a great time. I hope I'll be going out with them soon.
-love, fau
February 14, 2009
February 9, 2009
Broken Strings
Which people should I trust? hmm. I just don't know. Not every people meant when they say something. I just wish that every people in this world would just tell the truth so that things not going to be complicated but this is a reality that I just have to face. Even I don't tell the truth, I just hope that one day I tell everything the truth. It's not going to be easy .
Sweet talk... hmm. Why boys usually like to do that to girls? Can anyone tell me? Does every guy meant it when talk like that or just to flirt with girls. I f you just flirt with girls, please don't do that. You might the girl's feelings. Don't give hope to the girls if you don't really meant it. If you sure with your feelings towards them, it would be ok.
That's all for now. Till next time.
-love, fau
February 8, 2009
Pink Panther 2
Ayah booked 4 tickets to watch Pink Panther 2. I watched that movie with my siblings. After dad left us at SP, he went home with mum. The movie was quite funny. It was ok. The movie ended at 6pm. My siblings and I went tour around SP while waiting for dad. We had our dinner at Pappa Rich. I saw Fikri there. He was with his family. I bought a shirt, and went home. When arrived at Bkt Jelutong, my dad let me drove his car but when arrived at home, I didn't know how to park. I just let my dad parked his car. haha.
That's all for now.
-love, fau
February 1, 2009
Who am I? (SURVEY)
Happy Birthday
Here are birthday songs for Cikgu Man;
Busy day
I had driving class yesterday. Cikgu rafee picked me up at 8 am sharp. We arrived at metro around 8.30am. Then, we had our breakfast before we drive. Sorfina & I were waiting for Cikgu Rafee's bro. He was our instructor yesterday. Sorfina drove first. Then, it was my turn. I managed to do the hill, side parking and 3 corners just once. Then, cikgu rafee called us. He asked me to seat at the driver seat to drive on the road. aduih.. cuak. cuak. Sbb dia suka sangat marah2. haish. On the way back to metro, there was an accident. The student was one of his student. She was doing her QTI (pratest) but the examiner that was sitting besides her was sleeping in the car. He did not watch her driving.
This is based on what she said to us. She said that the gear was hard. Dia nak masuk gear tapi gear tu keras. So, dia tengok aa kat gear & tak pandang depan but at the moment she looked infront, there was a bus. The bus stopped just infront of her. She was shocked and the teacher just woke up from his sleep. Then, he turn the stereng but it was too late. The car hit the lamp post. When I heard about it, I was terrified because I was driving at that moment with Cikgu Rafee and sorfina in the car. I couldn't watch the accident because I have to look infront when I'm driving. Sorfina didn't manage to drive on the road. Then, we went back home at 11.30am.
Then, at 12.00pm, mira picked me up to go to dancing class. She had a show last night. There was a singing competition organized by siti nurhaliza production. The show was at Tesco Banting. It was very far. It took us 1 and 1/2 hours to arrive. We went there with two cars. Abang Ary and Cikgu man's car. We arrived there at 7pm. The competition ended at 12am. We arrived at sec7 at 1.30am. Then, Mira's dad picked us and I arrived home around 2am. It was very tiring.
-love, fau