June 24, 2009
17 Again
That morning, aku bangun terkejut. Ingatkan dah lambat gila. Then, tgk jam, baru pukul 9. Huish selamat aku. Tapi aku still tak bangun lagi. Padahal Fanah ambik aku pukul 10.30am. Pagi tu sejuk gila. Memang sedap laa tidur.
Pukul 10.30am, Fanah pun ambik. Alin and Sopi was already in the car. We went to OU first. Fanah went to buy the tickets while we waited for her in the car. Masa tu aa kitorang bergosip. hahaha.
Bila fanah datang je, semua senyap. Haha. Saja je senyap bukan gossip pasal dia pun.
Went to Bangsar and Fanah parked her car at Bangsar Village.Kitorang gi boutique Mooie dulu tapi kedai tu still tak bukak. We arrived there quite early. Lepas tu, kitorang gi brunch kat kopitiam Fanah. Dapat makan free. Woohoo. Thanks fanah. Eh silap. Thanks uncle izani. hehe. Aku makan dimsum je. Tapi tu pun kenyang gila.
Lepas makan, we went back to Bangsar Village. Sopi and Fanah went to Fanah's car nak letak makanan. Aku and Alin pulak cari ATM machine. Tapi bila sampai atm machine, purse Alin kat handbag Fanah. Sementara tunggu sopi and Fanah, we went to Zara. Window shopping. Bila fanah and sopi dah sampai, alin ambik purse dia and g atm machine. Aku, sopi and fanah still dalam zara.
We went outside after that. Sopi and fanah went to the dvd store while aku and alin still cari atm machine kat luar. Alin keluarkan duit. tapi tak blh nak transfer g RHB bank.
We went to OU. On the way to OU, aku, alin and Fanah nyanyi kuat2 dalam kereta. Masa lagu no boundaries by kris allen, kitorang nyanyi lagi kuat. Sopi terasa annoyed dgn kitorang. Haha. This time kitorang berpecah lagi. Alin and Fanah went to the atm machine while aku and Sopi gi Pull and Bear. Sopi kelakar je. Dia panggil kedai tu, Polar and Bear. hehe. comel je.
I bought a cardigan that I saw last week. It's a black cardigan.
Went to Jusco. Sopi bought a conforter, cadar & sarung bantal. Punya laa susah nak cari counter bayar. Ada satu counter je bukak. Kitorang cam bertawaf kat floor tu. I mean dalam jusco tu je laa. Orang yang kat counter tu pun pakai mask. Swine flu dah merebak kat malaysia. Takot gila.
Sopi and Fanah pun sampai kat kitorang. Kitorang jumpa dalam jusco tu laa.
Oh ya.. lupa pulak. Before aku gi Jusco dgn Sopi, kitorang singgah kat kedai yang atas jambatan antara old wing and new wing. Masa tgh sibuk2 tgk barang tiba2 terjumpa aa dgn baya and mira. ousin mira, nana pun ada jugak. Asyik2 nampak mira je. Bosan je aku. hahaha. Just kidding.
On our way to GSC, kitorang terserempak dgn diorang lagi. Tapi mula2 kitorang jumpa Mira, Nana and Syahmi. Kat depan sikit je, kitorang jumpa pulak Baya and her friends. Tak ingat nama aa. Memandangkan aku ni ada penyakit pelupa . Hehe.
Fanah beli keropok. Kitorang cam banyak cakap jugak laa kat counter makanan tu. And agak bising kat counter tu. haha. Semua kat dalam counter tu tgk kitorang je. Memang tak malu betul kitorang ni. haha. Sopi beli pop corn.
Aku and Fanah masuk toilet dulu. Alin teman Sopi gi toilet. Lepas tu, si Fanah lupa nak bagitau diorang hall mana. Diorang main teka je masuk. Haha. Then, dapat jugak jumpa kitorang.
Oppss.. Lupa nak bagi tau. We watched 17 Again at 3.20pm. But the movie started very late. Lama gila iklan dia. about 20 minutes, iklan je.
Anyway, the movie is good. Romantik je movie tu. Aku suka part yang masa zac efron kat court tu, kononnya dia baca surat pe tah. Gila sweet masa tu. I almost cried. Sebenarnya dah berair pun mata aku.
After the movie, gi MPH. Fanah bought a birthday card for her mom.
We went home after that. Fanah sent ALin home first, then me and after that Sopi.
At 7.30pm, I fetched Sopi at her house. Sent Faeesol to taekwondo class.
We headed to Old Town White Coffee while waiting for Faeesol.
At 8.45 pm, kitorang gerak and gi ambik Faeesol. masa sampai kat sekolah tu, aku tak parked betol2 kereta sebab tak de parking. So, aku suruh je Sopi tunggu kat dalam kereta sebab takot nanti ada kereta nak keluar ke.
Aku gi jumpa cikgu taekwondo Faeesol nak bayar tournament fee Nana.
Went home. Sopi slept at my house last night. lepas hantar Faeesol, kitorang gi Pangkin. Sopi nak beli burger and kredit untuk Fanah. Baru balik rumah lepas tu.
Macam2 laa kitorang cerita semalam. Sopi mengantok awal gila. Kitorang tidur pukul 1 lebih. Then, pagi tadi bangun nak dekat pukul 8 pagi sebab nak hantar Sopi balik. Lepas hantar Sopi, apa lagi, aku sambung tidur balik. haha.
I think that's all for now.
June 22, 2009
23rd of June 2009
aku dah besar. hahaha. Dah 18 tahun aku hidup kat dunia ni. Tak sedar pun. pejam celik pejam celik, dah 18 tahun aku kat dunia ni. I've been through a lot of things. Suka duka semua dah lalui. segala rintangan dan halangan aku dah lalui. Tapi banyak lagi cabaran hidup yang aku kena lalui lagi lepas ni. haha. ayat...huish.
anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Niq Sheqal Alif. He's turning 19 this year.
Aku bangun je, ada bunyi bising. Sebab toilet bilik mak aku tengah renovate. Haritu singki mak aku runtuh. Dua2 belah pulak tu. Then, pagi tadi diorang renovate aa. Bising gila aku siap tutup telinga dengan bantal pun still bising jugak. Memang tak blh nak tidur a.. Tapi aku tak bangun dari katil. Just baring. Pukul 11 camtu mak ajak keluar lunch sama2. So, went to shower and get ready. Went out at 12.10pm, fetched mak. Gi makan kat fish manhattan at subang parade. lepas makan, sent mak to her office and i went home. Tukar baju jap. Then, went out again.
fetched fath at petronas emmbee. Pastu gi rumah auntie dia. Dia tukar baju and ambik barang. I waited for him in the car. We went to Unisel. He drove my car. Dia letak barang kat bilik dia and went to class. At first, I waited for him in the car but then, aku cam rasa pening2 maybe sebab low blood pressure. So, gi cafe and beli air yang manis. Lepas minum je cam dah ok sikit. Waited for him about an hour.
lepas habis je, we went to TTDI Jaya. Had our dinner there.Lupa pulak nama restoran tu. I ate meehoon tomyam. Sedap jugak laa. Terasa tom yam dia.
Pastu, hantar dia gi pangkin. I went home.
Dia ada ajak jugak laa tgk wayang but aku malas nak tanya parents nak balik lambat. Nanti ada sesi soal jawab pulak dengan mak ayah. Tu yang tak nak. So, balik je laa.
Memang best laa harini. Sebab ada jugak kawan nak teman sembang. Since yang lain busy. Huhu.
I think that's all for now. I want to sleep now. Since I'm going out with Fanah, Alin and Sopi tomorrow. We are going to Bangsar and catch a movie at OU.
That's all for now.
June 20, 2009
A lot of DRAMA
Aku on9 dulu. Bangun je terus on laptop. Lepas tu baru aku tengok handphone and charge. Bukak myspace and blogspot. Then, baru aku mandi.
Ingatkan dah lambat dah. Tengok2 kena tunggu tok pulak. Tok tak siap lagi. So, aku on9 je aa. Sampai tunggu tok ready.
Bila dah ready, kitorang ambik tok and my cousins at mummy's house. Bawak cousins gi rumah aku. Aku, tok and mak keluar. We went to Petronas first. Isi minyak and mak and tok ambik duit. Lepas tu baru pergi guna NKVE. Since federal jam gila teruk. Mummy laa bagitau federal jam teruk sebab banyak accident. Dah laa hujan pagi tu kan. Jalan licin and kereta semua bawak laju. Memang laa accident. haish.
To all readers, be careful when you are driving. Utamakan keselamatan. hahaha.
Jalan memang tak jam aa. Then, parked our car kat mana tah. tak ingat aa.
ada this building dekat dengan Mydin. Tak ingat aa. ahahhaa. I really have a bad memory.
From that building, we walked to Mydin. Bought stationary, plates, cup, knife, needle and so on for me. Then, went to the cashier. Cashier ni perempuan india tau. Then, penolong dia perempuan melayu. Masa dia scan barang kitorang, dia sibuk gila nak cerita kat kawan dia pasal life dia tau. Then, ada satu story ni, dia cerita aa kat kawan dia, ada satu laki ni baik gila tapi sygnya dia suami orang. Ada ke dia ckp camtu. Haish. Blh pulak dia ngorat suami orang. Eh kak. Jangan kacau suami orang daa. Banyak laki lain kat dunia ni. Bukan nk dgr pun conversation dia tapi cam dah betul2 depan kitorang, and dia cakap kuat jugak laa. So, tak salah aa kitorang dengar.
Then, masa dah keluar mydin and lintas jalan. Ada pulak DRAMA... haish. Ni pulak drama pasal ada sorang perempuan ni, pakaian cam minah rempit aa, and dia ni cam terjerit-jerit and maki-hamun kat seorang laki ni. Laki ni kira penjual kain kat dgn mydin tu. Perempuan tu cam cakap aa "gi mati aa. Aku report kat polis. Apahal kau nak kurang ajar kat mak aku cam tu. Asal kau nak layan dia camtu. Kau tak layak layan camtu.. bla bla bla bla....." Haish . gila aa wei. Cam semua pandang je. Semua pandang perempuan tu. Kitorang pulak terpaksa laa melintas depan orang gaduh tu. Jalan je laa buat tak tau depan diorang. haha. Tok aku pulak lagi best. Boleh pulak berenti tengok kejap. hahaha. Gilaa aa wei perempuan tu. Dia tak sepatutnya cakap and terjerit2 camtu kat public. kena aa jaga jugak maruah mak dia jugak. And plus, jaga maruah diri. If mara, settle kat tepi. Tak payah nak menjerit macam orang gila. Common aa. Orang lain pun ada jugak perasaan mara, geram semua. But takde aa terjerit-jerit camtu. If semua orang jerit camtu, memang dunia ni bising gila. Ada pencemaran bunyi aa pulak. Haish. Cukup aa setakat pencemaran air and udara.... tak payah nak tambahkan lagi. Pening aku kalau camtu. There's always a solution nak settle kan satu2 problem tu. And that way bukan dengan cara tengking2 and makin hamun orang. Cara dia cam slow talk ke apa. Anything laa. Tapi tak payah tunjuk anger tu kat public. So, jaga maruah diri and ingat jugak maruah orang lain.
We went back to our car and went home. rest kejap and had lunch. After a few hours, mak and i went to Subang Parade.
Ingatkan nak beli seterika but seterika yang kitorang nak dah habis and stock dia sampai dalam minggu depan. Pastu mak gi kedai celcom nak tanya pasal broadband. And aku dah cam tak selesa and penat. Aku cam agak bising jugak aa cam cakap mak tak payah aa ape aa.. Kesian mak. Sorry mak.
Lepas dah habis tu, aku tau mak cam bengang dengan aku. Aku cam diam je. Beli stocking kat kedai sports and went home.
Tak jadi gi giant. Balik je. Cuci muka and pakai eyeliner, aku terus keluar balik. Met sopi kat skbj, pastu terus gi pangkin. Jumpa zack pun kt skbj. Lepak dengan zack and sopi and zack's cousin. Lepas tu, baru lala and fanah datang. Lambat betul tuan puteri tu nak datang. then, minum2 kejap. Pastu Alin pulak datang dengan cousin dia. Lepak kejap, lepas tu semua cam blah. Sopi balik rumah. Yang lain2 gi lepak kat padang besar.
I went to secret. Suruh Sopi hantar kat secret. Malas nak drive. Tinggal je kereta depan mydin. Fath datang kat secret. Aku belanja dia. Saja2 belanja. Kitorang sembang2. And this time memang bagus aa cam jumpa dia sebab kitorang dua pun dah cam takde pape feelings dah and we can talk like normal. I mean like friends. It really nice. It's better for us to be just friends and not more than that.
AKu tak makan sebab kenyang gila. Dia je yang makan. Masa tengah makan2, dia ajak join kawan2 dia gi main layang2 kat padang layang2. Mula2 memang tak nak pergi sebab nak lepak dengan lala semua kat padang besar. Tapi dia cam insist jugak so, g je laaa. Tengok laa diorang main layang2 . Yang ada kat situ: Hakim, Apiz, Jazz, Akif, Joe, Karim and Ayaz. Mula2 Fendi ada. Bila aku and Fath sampai, dia pun dah dalam kereta nak balik. Tak sempat nak cakap hai. Memang nice lepak kat padang tu petang2. It's always windy there in the evening. Aku kat situ till 7.15pm. Then, aku balik.
Masa balik je, kereta mak takde. Called mak tanya mak mana. Mak cakap mak kat SACC mall and diorang nak balik dah. Aku cam alaaa.... Nak ikut.. huhu.
Mak belikan baju and card for us to give to dad since kitorang semua cam pokai gila. Haha. Selalu pun camtu. Kalau mother's day je, ayah belikan present tapi kitorang yang bagi. Then, bila father's day, mak belikan present and kitorang yang bagi. Haha.
I think that's all for now.
I just want to wish for all Dads in this world,
June 19, 2009
One more week to go
A lot of stuff in my mind now. Cam berserabut sikit. Ntah laa berserabut pasal apetah. I need someone to be my crying shoulder now. Really do need it. but I don't know who.
Things that I wanted to do on next week.
- Last minute shopping with Sopi, Fanah and Alin in Bangsar and maybe OU. Gonna go out from morning till night. Maybe.
- Sleepover at my house on Tuesday.
- Get my hair cut.
- Gonna watch Hannah Montana The Movie with Faeesol and Nana on Friday.
- Watch 17 Again with Sopi, Fanah and Alin.
- Packing.
- Maybe had lunch with Mak kat luar.
I'm not ready to leave my family. I really am not. Just thinking about it makes me so nervous and it gets me a headache. haish.
June 18, 2009
MSSD 2009
I woke up at 6.15am. Mak woke me up. I slept at 3.30am the night before. So I just had 3 hours of sleep. Gila mengantok masa pagi tu. Apa boleh buat, kena jugak bangun sebab kena bawak Faeesol gi tournament taekwondo (MSSD). Around 6.30am baru mandi sebab Mak tengah guna bilik air masa aku bangun. While waiting for her, aku baring laa kejap sambil tutup mata. Bila mak dah habis je, terus ambik tuala and mandi.
Ingatkan nak keluar pukul 6.40am. Tapi biasa laa. Aku cam malas pulak nak keluar gelap2 sebab mengantok gila. Lepas dah siap, aku turun makan kejap and terus keluar dengan Faeesol. Aku guna jalan Glenmarie nak gi Dewan Kelana Jaya tu. Memang tak jam so, sekejap je laa sampai. Nasib keluar lambat sikit.
Tapi bagus jugak sampai awal sebab banyak parking and aku dapat parking bawah pokok so, teduh sikit. Bawak turun barang2 and gi kat dewan tu. Duduk dengan geng2 power sport. Lama jugak tunggu. Pukul 9 baru keluar "bout chart". Gila lama tunggu. Dalam pukul 10 baru start. Faeesol punya turn number 6. And mula2 dia kena pakai vest warna merah. Bila dah sampai ring, referee tu suruh tukar warna biru pulak. Coach tu ingatkan aku nak coach adik aku. Aku cakap tak nak sebab takot nanti kang aku tegur salah sikit, dia bengang pulak. Bia je laa orang luar yang coachkan.
Nombor yang sebelum2 Faeesol semua cam lembik2 sebab cam kena sikit je terus sakit. Lemah betol. Tak fit. Then, when it was Faeesol's turn, Faeesol looked very nervous. I could saw it from his face. In the end,dia kalah. Dia kalah pun masa sudden death. It means that, dalam 2 round diorang dapat markah yang sama. Then, dalam sudden death ni, sama yang kick kena dulu and kuat dia menang. So, mula2 Faeesol sepatutnya menang tapi satu referee je tunjuk kad dia tapi tak cukup laa untuk menang. Then, last2 lawan dia tu yang menang sebab 3 referee tunjuk card dia. Masa dia keluar dari ring, dia cam frust gila.
Lepas dah habis tu, aku pun letak laa barang2 balik dalam kereta. Ingatkan kena duduk kat situ lama gila tapi tak jadi, sekejap je sebab Faeesol kalah kat quarter final.
Pukul 12 camtu mak datang dengan ayah. Kitorang gi makan kat ikan bakar kelana jaya. AKu suka gila makan kat kedai tu. Sedap.. Nyummy.
I went home with Faeesol while mak and ayah gi ambik Nana kat sekolah. Aku balik2 je terus baring and tengok tv. Aku hampir tertidur depan tv tapi terpaksa tahan sebab petang tu aku kena hantar Faeesol g Koko pulak.
Nana balik nak dekat pukul 2. Ayah bawak nana beli burger kat BK section 13.
Pukul 2.30pm, cam biasa laa aku tengok Upik Abu and Laura dengan adik2. Lepas habis cerita tu, aku siap2 nak hantar Faeesol. Pukul 3.45pm, terus keluar.
Hantar Faeesol. Called mak masa dah sampai sekolah Faeesol. Tanya mak kena gi Subang Parade ke tak sebab mak suruh call dulu bila dah sampai sekolah Faeesol.
Went to Subang Parade. Pusing2 kejap sementara tunggu mak. Then, mak called me suruh gi Sachs. So, I went there.
Bought a bag. Then, went to Parkson. Beli kettle kecik and cadar. Gi makan kat Chicken Rice Shop sebab aku lapar gila. Padahal aku dah makan tghari tu. Ntah kenapa lapar. Maybe sebab dah banyak tenaga kelar sebab jerit masa Faeesol lawan pagi tu kot.
Pastu masa tu baru 5.30pm, awal lagi nak gi sekolah Faeesol. Faeesol keluar pun pukul 6.15pm. 15 minit je from Subang Parade to his school. So, aku jalan2 je dalam Subang Parade sampai 5.45pm. Pastu keluar Subang Parade and ada jam sikit je kat traffic light SS15 yang kat jambatan nak gi SP tu.
Masa nak ambik Faeesol, takde laa pulak parking so, terpaksa park jauh. Ambik dia and terus balik rumah. Aku nampak mak and nana kat depan rumah nak gi rumah auntie. So, I decided to sent mak there. Tapi auntie takde pulak. dia g ambik uncle. So, balik and aku tengok manjalara. Pukul 7 camtu aku hampir tertido lagi. Tapi bila dengar je azan terus bangun and duduk.
Aku sambung tengok tv jap sampai pukul 8. Mata aku masa tu dah tak larat dah. I switched off the tv, light and fan. Went to my room and to my bed and fall asleep. Aku tak pape pun jadi masa tu. I slept like a baby. Gila nyenyak tidur sampai mummy and tok datang pun tak sedar.
Then, I woke up this morning pukul 10am. Tu pun mak kejut. Kalau tak, memang nak sambung tidur balik. hehe. Tapi pukul 6am tu aku bangun jugak and nampak Nana on the other bed. But then, I slept again. Pukul 7am aku bangun lagi.Nana punya suara kuat gila. I could hear it from my room. She was downstairs. Bangun and wore my specs. Searched for handphone's charger. Masa nak bangun dari katil tu, aku cam dizzy. CAm pening2 lalat. Tak tau kenapa and kepala aku terasa berat and sakit. Bila dah jumpa je charger terus charge hp. After that, aku tidur balik.
AKu and mak aku keluar pukul 11 am. Went to Maybank at TTDI Jaya. Lepas dah habis urusan tu, we went to PJ Old Town. Bought a few things untuk nak masuk UiTM nanti. After that we went to Shah Alam Mall. Bought minyak ikan dalam capsule. Then, we went home. I waited for my siblings to arrive home. I went out after that. Went toMaybank TTDI Jaya. Gave them my birth certificate. Went to OU. Jalan2 sekejap sementara tunggu Sopi habus tengok wayang. Dia gi tengok wayang dengan boyfriend dia (Fanah). haha. Khalis pun ikut jugak. Alin tak ikut sebab dia boleh keluar lambat.
Masa window shopping tu, memang aku tak tahan tengok barang2. I admit aku ni cam shopaholic jugak laa. Tapi nasib duit takde. Ada RM1++ je . Haha. Kalau ada duit tadi memang ada je benda aku nak beli. haish. I have to control myself.
Sopi habis wayang pukul 4.50pm. Lepas dia habis wayang, aku bawak dia gi tengok tournament taekwondo MSSD untuk category sekolah menengah pulak.
Bila kitorang masuk je pintu dewan tu, aduhai. Bau peluh satu dewan tu. Busuk gila. Tak tahan jugak laa kitorang sebenarnye. Kitorang sampai letak Dettol sanitirizer. apebende crap tah. Tak ingat aa apebenda. Kitorang benda dettol tu kat hidung sebab terlampau busuk. Lepas tu, kitorang keluar nak cari sekolah kitorang. Tapi tak jumpa. Jumpa sir aku yang ajar taekwondo kat taman megah. Said hi to him and lepas tu keluar dewan.
Kitorang jumpa dengan Zul. Tanya khabar dia and dia buat apa kat situ semua. Then, nampak bapak dia. Salam bapak dia and cakap sekejap bapak dia. Then, adik zul kelaur from toilet dia salam aku. Lepas tu ayah zul suruh adik zul salam Sopi. Dia pun salam laa.
Lepas dah habis tu, kitorang masuk balik kat dewan busuk tu. then, baru laa jumpa sorang2 budak SMKBJ.
We went outside again sebab aku nak beli air. Actually, aku pinjam duit kat Sopi since aku ada RM1++ je. Gila segan aku nak mintak pinjam. haha.
Masa nak beli air tu, ayah Zul aka Uncle Nadzeri ada kat tempat beli air tu jugak. Then, uncle tu mintak aku tolong belikan air and he gave me RM2. Actually, air tu RM1 je. Aku and Sopi cam terpinga-pinga. Haha. Aku tanya Sopi dia belanja aku ke. Sopi pun cakap tak tau. Tapi still aku pinjam duit Sopi. Segan laa nak suruh uncle tu belanja. Sopi asyik cakap ayah Zul suka kat aku. As in berkenan nak jadikan aku menantu dia. Lebih kurang camtu. Eeee.. hahahaha. Segan wei. Tu cerita lama sudah. Haha. Tapi minat jugak kat adik zul tu. Haha. Tapi muda sangat. He just 13 and I'm 18. Wah.. Jauh gila tu. hehe. Just joking. Adik zul tu memang cute. haha.
Went inside again and saw Pn Ranjitha. Diorang tengah tengok Alia lawan. She only had one match and she won that match. She got a gold. Congrates!!
Then, ada satu match ni lawak gila. Ni kira category berat aa. Kitorang pun tengok laa. Perempuan ni kan dia jerit cam kelakar gila. Sampai referee yang duduk tu pun tergelak. Apalagi kitorang ni. Aku memang taktahan perut nak tahan gelak. Kelakar wei. Perempuan ni kalah. Dia cam rude gila depan semua orang. Masa kat tengah2 ring tu, dia jerit and baling dia punya head guard. That's very rude. Eventhough aku dah involve dalam tournament for 7 years, I would never do that because it's very very rude and people would never respect you. Perempuan tu poyo je lebih. Bukan nya kuat pun. Memang tak kuat langsung. Baru tali pinggang hijau nak rude camtu. Come on aa. You just a green belt. Kalau cam tu attitude kau, tak payah masuk taekwondo. Just out from the club. Memalukan je club kau tu. Haish. Dah laa club koryo. Tu satu club yang orang memang pandang tau. Jangan laa cemarkan. Haish.
Kitorang tengok lagi satu match from SMKBJ. Diana. She also had one match but she lost. She got silver. Dia kena kick kat tut dia. Aduhai.Sakit gila oh. Even lepas dah habis lawan pun, dia cam sakit gila. Sampai menangis. Sopi lagi laa. Dia ingatkan budak tu kena kat kaki dia. Apa laa SOpi ni. Kelakar je.
Ada satu referee ni kat ring dia tu, handsome. Dia ada semalam. Masa aku nak beli burger semalam dia ada. Haha.
Sent Sopi to work and I went to fetched Faeesol. Faeesol hantar bag kat dalam kereta and aku gi Petrona BJ jap nak ambik duit but then, ada satu perempuan ni cam lambat gila. So, tak jadi. Aku gi balik kat Faeesol. Pinjam duit dia and minum kat RS. Waited for Nana habis. Lepas Nana habis, we went home. Watched Manjalara and makan. Pukul 9 camtu sent Faeesol to tuition at Pangkin. Pukul 10pm, gi ambik dia pulak. Beli burger untuk faeesol, ayah and aku and hotdog untuk Nana.
Balik rumah and makan burger tu. That's all for now.
Adik Lawa.
Name: Amirah Liyana Binti Aminuddin.
Nickname: Mira, Bobo
Study: Diploma in Accountacy at UiTM Melaka. Bakal akautan ni. mula2 dia dapat UiTM kat Machang, Kelantan. tapi dia tukar gi Melaka. Kalau laa dia tak tukar mesti bila jumpa dia nanti lepas beberapa tahun , mesti dia cakap kelate. haha. Mesti kelakar masa tu.
Time mula2 kenal??!! hmm.. sebenarnya tak ingat sangat laa cam mana boleh kenal dia ni. Tapi rasanya through iwa laa. Since diorang dua gi sekolah yang sama masa sekolah rendah.
We have the same interest, which is dancing. She really loves to dance. Traditional dance. So, dia ni kira buddy tarian laa. Kitorang selalu je menari sama2 dari form 1 sampai form 5. Even sekarang pun selalu gi kelas tarian kat belia selangor. It's a dance club. Kira kitorang ni mula2 rapat sejak aku masuk club tu laa. Dia aa promote kat situ and ajak aku gi situ. So, kira sekarang every weekends selalu je jumpa kat class tarian. So, cam susah sikit laa nak rindu minah ni since dah jumpa every weekend kan. Cikgu selalu puji dia menari. And aku ni pulak jenis yang lupa steps tarian so, selalu je laa bila nari pandang mira sebab nak ingatkan steps. Haha. Since dia ni kalau bab tarian cepat je ingat.
lagi satu pasal mira ni, dia ni ada jugak bakat untuk menari pole dancer. haha. Huish. Memang dahsyat minah ni kalau buat tarian tu. Kalah jugak penari2 yang pro. hehe. So, attention semua, jangan bagi mira tiang. kang abes aa korang kena tengok show dia tu. hehe.
Dia ni memang teramatlah suka Hindustan. Macam2 movies dia ni tengok and plus, dia ni terlalu fanatik kat cerita2 hindustan, sampai lagu2 hindustan pun dia boleh hafal. Every words k. Nampak sangat dia dengar lagu hindustan tiap2 hari. haha. Even tarian hindustan pun dia boleh hafal jugak. Tengok laa betapa fanatik nye mira ni. Bukan dia je tau yang minat, satu family including mama and abah dia jugak. Ada one time tu, dia pasang CD lagu hindustan, and bila aku masuk kereta tu, aku cam terasa masuk kereta orang India pulak. Haha. tapi best jugak laa dia pasang lagu2 hindustan sebab aku minat jugak hindustan ni. Lagi2 kalau romance stories. Tapi aku takdelaa fanatik cam mira.
Mira ni ada otak Yang colour ni aa. (BIRU). Dahsyat blue dia tu. masa kitorang form 3, kitorang cam ada aa cipta nama satu sekolah ni, plus, ada organisasi sekolah , moto and visi semua. Tapi benda2 tu semua rahsia kitorang je. Haha.Tu laa cara kitorang nak mereleasekan tension masing2. Tension PMR. haha.
Aku selalu cakap dia ni kaya. Nak tau sebab apa? sebab rumah nya besar. Plus, dia ada roundbout kat rumah and ada 2 air terjun. Her house is bigger than mine. Plus, dia ada cam taman japenese dalam rumah. Gila style kan. Haaa.. Dulu selalu je datang rumah dia. masa form 4 lagi aa. Selalu je lepak kat rumah dia. Kalau malas nak balik, selalu duduk rumah dia. Since dia ada katil yang besar. Kitorang selalu je , lepas mandi and makan terlelap atas katil sama2. Selalu je aa tengah ari tu, mesti je dua2 tertido. Masa form 4 tu jugak dia aa teman aku jogging. Tapi sekarang aku dah malas nak jogging. Haha.
Dulu dia jadi crying shoulder aku. Aku ingat lagi masa form 3 and form 4 camtu, dia banyak aa tolong aku pasal bf aku dulu. Banyak aa nasihat yang dia bagi kat aku. Nasihat yang berguna of course. hehe. TQ adik.
Dia ni pun ramai peminat jugak. Since she has all the package that what guys are looking for. She's pretty, nice, friendly, sweet, and so on.. haha. So, guys apa lagi.. Ngorat aa dia. Haha. Dia ni single lagi. Tapi susah sikit laa nak rebut hati dia ni. Dia dah tak cam dulu. Dulu senang je nk ngorat. Sekarang tak. Jual mahal minah ni sekarang. haha. But anyway, I really LOVE my adik lawa. muah muah.

June 16, 2009
Celebrity Out of Cage
Sopi: Tak payah laa pandang camtu.haha. Dia cam dah perasan kitorang pandang dia.
Tu gambar selipar tu. Yang aku pakai tu. Sedap pakai selipar tu.
Sopi beli seluar kat blook. Lepas tu , kitorang gi makan kat Kopitiam 71. Kopitiam ayah fanah. I only ordered dimsum. Dim sum yang chicken tu sedap. Aku tak suka sangat yang mushroom tu.
Oh yaa. Baru teringat. Masa on the way nak gi Blook, kitorang terjumpa Hafiz AF7. Aku memang laa tak kenal budak2 AF7 ni. Tapi Sopi laa cam kenal and dia pulak yang cam excited gila. hahaha.
Lepas dah habis makan, we went to the car and off we went to OU.
Aku terlepas satu junction ni. So, terpaksa laa buat U-turn. Haish. Tu laa. Sibuk admire tropica mall dengan sopi and alin sampai junction pun terlepas.
Parking kat OU memang senang je hari ni. Masuk je parking area terus dapat parking. Best je aku.
ALin and Sopi gi semayang dulu. Aku tunggu diorang. Lepas tu masuk kat Nose. Ada satu kasut ni memang cantik gila. Sopi hampir nak beli. Bila dia try kasut tu, tak selesa pulak pakai. And aku jugak hampir beli but pikir2 pasal duit, terus tak jadi. Maybe next week beli kat SP. Cantik gila kasut tu.
Then, went to Pull n Bear. I went straight to the sweater. Haha. Try sekejap and terus gi bayar. We went to Zara after that. Tengok Cardigan. Tapi cardigan dia cam besar laa pulak. Haish. Masa on the way nak gi Zara, kitorang jumpa pembaca berita TV3 at escalator kat Quicksilver. Sopi laa tunjuk kat aku. Aku tak sedar pun. Biasalah , jalan pandang depan je. Takde toleh2.
Lepas dah habis tu, baru balik. Hantar Sopi kat Kumon. Aku balik kejap ambik laptop and Alin tumpang toilet aku kejap. Asked ayah's permission to borrow his car and went to pangkin. Jumpa Faeesol dulu and cakap kat dia nanti datang kat secret bila nana dah habis.
Kitorang pun gi laa secret. Masuk secret and pilih kerusi dekat dengan plug. Masa duduk je and satu waitress ni datang with menu. Then, terus tanya dia wifi ada ke tak. and waitress tu cakap tak de.
I decided to go to RS. but before went to RS, met Faeesol and told him that we were going to RS. Went to RS. On the laptop and asked the mamak, password diorang. Dia pun bagilaa. Then, kena ada confirmation password. Haish. Kena panggil lagi mamak tu. Mamak tu terus tulis atas kertas and bagi kat aku.
Mula2 ada orang duduk and guna plug. And I really need the plug to charge my laptop. Lepas orang tu blah je terus aku duduk tempat dia. Before tukar tempat tu, mak datang RS dengan Nana and Faeesol. Mak ingatkan nak ambik Nana sebab Nana yang suruh. Salam mak. Then, mak went home with Faeesol. Nana stayed with me. Sebab dia nak makan roti telur.
Pukul 6.45 je terus blah. Sent Alin home and I went home with Nana. Tengok tv.
Then, went out again to send Faeesol to taekwondo class at SK Taman Megah.
Sat at the stairs kat sekolah tu. The class ended at 9pm. Masa nak balik, jumpa cikgu dia tu nak beli groin guard. Faeesol kena ceramah dengan cikgu tu sebab he has a negative thoughts about him. He always say that he's not good enough for anything. But actually he's not. He's great. The only thing that he has a bad habit, which is the negative thoughts.
Went to Dincy and photostat Faeez punya paper. Went home. But masa sampai tu, toksu, tok, mummy and my cousins ada kat rumah. Tok sembang2. AKu apa lagi join aa dengar. haha. Main dengan baby and makan.
Lepas mummy balik je, aku naik atas tengok tv. Tu je aa buat masa ni.
June 15, 2009
Nana dah pergi sekolah dah. I left alone with ayah, who is sleeping in his room and bibik, who is cleaning the house now. I'm bored now. Dah laa takde movie yang best kat tv ni.
I woke up very early today. Wah.. Aku tau yang lain bangun awal jugak and ada yang lagi awal dari aku. Tapi ni aku. Aku mana de jenis yang bangun awal. Pukul 9 pun liat je nak bangun. haha. Woke up around 6.30am. AKu bangun pun sebab dengar mak kejut nana kuat sangat. Tunggu adik2 semua pergi sekolah. Then, at 7am, I took shower and get ready.
Went out at 7.45am. Guna jalan TTDI jaya. Then, guna jalan federal highway. The traffic was terrible after the tol sebab jalan kat tol besar then, kena masuk kat jalan yang kecik sikit. SO, macam jam before simpang Subang Jaya. After simpang Subang Jaya tu, the traffic dah ok sikit.
Went to Faeesol's school. I waited about 15 minutes. Tapi mak tak keluar lagi dari sekolah. Mak gi ambik signature guru penolong kanan and guru bertugas untuk borang MSSD taekwondo Faeesol. Lepas penat tunggu, aku msg mak cakap aku tunggu kat Mamak Bistro sebab aku nak makan. Lapar gila.
Masa aku baru sampai Mamak Bistro, mak pun sampai kat depan Mamak Bistro jugak. Mak hantar Faeesol and borang tu je kat aku, Then, mak went to work.
Makan kejap. Pukul 9am gerak. Sampai kat dewan Kelana Jaya tu awal gila. Sampai pukul 9.15am. Benda tu start pukul 10am. Bayangkan aku kena tunggu lagi dalam kereta. Aduhai.
Pukul 10am , coach Faeesol pun sampai. Then, tiba2 coach Faeesol cam ada problem. Sebab ada setengah student dia tak boleh masuk competition untuk hari rabu sebab tu bukan daerah dia. So, diorang kena tunggu 19 Julai nanti. Nasib Faeesol punya hari rabu.
Lepas weighing je, coach Faeesol cakap dia boleh balik. I sent Faeesol back to school.
I went home and tengok tv.
I'm going to fetch my siblings at ad-daris later. Aku nak kena bawak Faeesol gi klinik. Mulut dia cam naik apetah. Harap tak de pape aa.
Here is the list of things that I'm going to buy this thursday with Mak:
-white shirt
-t-shirt kosong
-body gel
-pencil box
-contact lens solution
-cotton buds
-nail clipper
-tank top
-tisu muka
-makeup remover
-nail remover
I think that's all kot nak beli. Tak ingat aa nak beli apa lagi. If aku ingat, aku update lagi.
That's all for now.
June 14, 2009
Upik Abu dan Laura
My siblings had arrived an hour ago. Had lunch with them but then, at 2.05pm, Faeesol's bus arrived. So, off he went to ad-daris. Nana is still here at home. But at 3.30pm, her bus will arrived too and off she went to ad-daris. I will be left alone with bibik. Nothing to do after this.
I invited Sopi to come to my house. Just to hang out. But she had tuition at 3 pm and she is working at 5pm. haish. Nvm. I'm going out tomorrow with her after all. We are going to Bangsar and maybe to curve or OU. Can'twait for tomorrow. haha. Sopi wanted to buy slipper cam wedges tu. haha. I just want to go there because nak survey kasut. The shoes at Cat Whiskers, Moca and Gossips are nice.
Upik Abu and Laura dah start. I'll edit the blog later.
Dance Class
I woke up early yesterday sebab kena hantar nana gi taekwondo class. Usually, my mum will send her there but semalam aku yang kena hantar sebab mak kena bawak adik2 laki gi dentist kat pj. Woke up at 9 am. Baring2 dengan mata pejam sementara tunggu nana mandi. Lepas nana mandi, aku mandi pulak. Took my breakfast and went to send her after that.
Tunggu nana abes class taekwondo. Her class ended at 11.15am. Then, went to shah alam mall. Met mak there. Went to baskin robin. I had regular cone choc. Lepas makan icecream, I went to dance class while Nana ikut mak, faeez and faeesol balik.
Masa on the way gi kelas tarian, cuaca gelap je. Then, hujan lebat masa aku dah kat section 6.
Bila sampai je kat class tarian, ada orang buat wedding kat hall tu. So, tak boleh aa letak kat tempat yang ada bumbung tu. haish. Park aa kat tmpat parking and terpaksa aa redah hujan.
Masa sampai je kat class tarian, cikgu man and yang lain pun baru je sampai. And ada 2 orang kakak ni and satu laki ni ada jugak aa. Diorang cam orang baru. AKu tak kenal. Laki ni macam lembut aa. Tapi dia baik. Meriah betul bila diorang ada. So, basically, tarian semalam memang best gila.
Kitorang belajar tarian "Zapin Bunga Hutan". Eventhough aku dah belajar tarian tu sebelum ni, tapi kena belajar lagi sebab kakak2 yang baru tu tak tau. and aku pun cam lupa je tarian tu.
Then, ada buat joget siti. Bersepah je aku menari sebab aku tak tau steps pun. Tapi cikgu man suruh je ikut. Dah laa aku tak tau tarian tu and aku terpaksa duduk depan pulak. Haish. memang bersepah aa. Mula2 aku kena partner dengan abang cik. Abang cik gelak je. Cam siot gila. Then, partner pulak dengan Hariz. Dia pun sama tak guna. Sebab gelak kat aku. Jahat gila ouh. haish.
Then, cikgu man told me that next week dia akan bawak karaoke set. So, next week memang minggu melalak aa kat dance class. wah. haha. Mira mesti suka gila. And next week is our last class before kitorang masuk uitm. Sedih jugak laa. hehe.
Masa aku dah turun tangga nak balik, tiba2 anak cikgu man. Nama dia arif kot. Tak ingat aa nama dia. Dia panggil aku. And dia tanya number aku. AKu cam agak malu aa. Sebab cam orang nampak. Tapi aku bagi je laa. Bukan pape pun. He seems a nice guy. Nice as in baik aa. Tapi takde laa baik sangat.
Then, went to padang besar. tapi tak nampak pun batang hidung si Sopi tu. haish. Dah laa ada kete kat belakang and takde parking pulak tu. So, terpaksa laa drive sampai kat padang kat rumah Zack. Called Sopi but she didn't pick up her phone. So, I called her house number. Her mum answered it. And told me that Sopi had already went out with Fanah. So, I called Fanah and Sopi answered it. Asked her where she was. Then, dia cakap dia kat pangkin. Met Sopi and Fanah there. Beli manggie cup. Pastu ambik adik Sopi kat sekolah. Adik dia ada taekwondo. Cuak gila sopi. Dia ingatkan dia dah lambat adik dia. Padahal adik dia baru je habis class. Sent her bro home pastu kitorang gi padang kat tropika. Lepak kat tangga kat tropika. Makan maggie dengan Sopi while Fanah makan veggies. haha. Healthy food. Pukul 6.45 pm, kitorang pun balik. But before balik, terpaksa gi pangkin sebab aku tinggalkan kereta kat pangkin. And gi 7E dengan sopi sebab nak beli air. Then, baru balik.
Mandi jap. Pastu suruh Faeez pujuk ayah makan kat luar. Then, ayah pun agreed.
Lama gila aku tunggu ayah nak balik. Sebab ayah keluar pukul 8 lebih gi bawak Faeez potong rambut. Aku siap boleh bawak tok gi rumah mummy ambik ubat. Even aku balik pun, ayah tak sampai lagi. Pukul 9.45pm baru ayah balik.
Then, we went out. Kitorang 4 adik-beradik, my cousin and my dad je yang pegi. We went to PJ. Lepas makan, we went home safely.
That's all for now.
June 11, 2009
Lizard and Rat
Cerita dia camni. Just now, around 1 am, Faeez tanya cam mana nak bukak gas. So, I went downstairs with him. When I just went to the kitchen, there was a lizard crawling on the floor beside me while I was walking towards the back door. Apa lagi aku. Melompat-lompat aa. Then, sebab aku takot sangat , aku melompat atas adik aku cam nak suruh Faeez dukung laa. I know it's stupid nak suruh Faeez dukung sebab Faeez pun kurus keding macam aku jugak. Mana laa dia larat nak dukung kakak dia ni. Lain laa kalau dia gemuk. Tapi disebabkan terlalu takut, pikiran pun tak menentu. Lompat punya melompat, tiba2 kaki aku ni terlanggar kat tong sampah. Kuat jugak la langgar tu. Aduih. Sakit gila. Siap keluar kulit lagi. Tapi tak berdarah laa. Cuma bengkak teruk gila. Lepas langgar tu, memang tak boleh nak straight kaki sangat.
Lepas dah langgar tong sampah tu, tiba2 nampak pulak tikus. Kat dapur belakang. Aduhai. Asal laa haiwan2 ni nak keluar jugak malam ni. Masa nampak je, apa lagi, melompat aa lagi aku. Faeez pun melompat then, kitorang terus lari depan. Faeesol je kat dapur lagi. Berani betul mamat tu. Terus kitoran tak jadi makan. Baru pikir nak makan frozen roti bom. Last2 takjadi. Now, kaki aku bengkak teruk and sakit. Tak boleh kena selimut sebab pedih. Dah letak ubat tadi. Harap2 esok ok laa. And harap2 tak pedih masa mandi. Kalau tak, memang aku tak mandi laa satu hari. hahaha.
Tu je aa aku nak cerita buat masa sekarang.
June 9, 2009
oh well. Hmm.. I'm having a bad headache for a few days already. I don't know why. Maybe because selalu menghadap laptop ni kot. Aku kena laa try kurang menghadap laptop ni. If not, the headache might become worse.
Rindu jugak nak melepak iwa and adlin. Terasa jugak laa tak de diorang semua. But what the hell, diorang pergi pun sebab nak further study. Tu pun untuk diorang punya future jugak kan. Aku kena terima je laa semua ni. But just want to say here that aku memang betul2 rindu nak hang out dengan diorang. With them, I will always happy and smile. Kitorang gelak je sepanjang kitorang lepak tu and kitorang kuat berleter sesama sendiri jugak laa. haha. Yang paling best dengan diorang if bergossip. Huish. Memang best gila laa. Haha. Kira diorang ni cam geng sekepala. Lagi2.. Hmm. apa ek?? Haaa!!! Kalau dengar je lagu, mesti kitorang nyanyi. Cam dah jadi satu habit kitorang. Lagi2 Iwa. Mesti je nyanyi and siap menari lagi tu. Haha. Kitorang tak kisah apa orang nak cakap. Atleast we are having fun.
Sejak lala and adlin pegi, kitorang yang lain2 ni jarang jugak laa lepak. Ntah kenapa tah. Harap2 dapat laa lepak macam dulu lagi. Maybe next week, aku ajak diorang lepak. Maybe just dalam bj je laa. Takot diorang tak boleh keluar bj pulak. Maybe gi swim kat rumah baya ke. Betul tak baya? Lama aa tak swim kat rumah kau. Rindu jugak nak swim rumah kau. Minggu ni susah sikit. Sebab takde kereta.
Next... hmm.. Banyak gila benda aku nak beli but duit sikit je. Aku nak beli cardigan, sweater, boxer, pencil box, stationary, plain t-shirts, new shirts, conditioner, shampoo, deodarant, macam2 lagi aa. Banyak gila benda nak beli tapi duit tinggal sikit je. Ni laa kalau jadi perempuan. Macam2 benda nak beli. Aku tak nafikan yang aku memang jenis yang kalau tengok cantik je, mesti nak beli. Cam kena beli jugak. Aku akan try dapatkan duit from ayah and beli benda tu. AKu akan usaha untuk that one thing.
Aku memang lain from my bro, Faeez.
Camni ceritanya. Birthday Faeez last year, ayah ada tanya dia nak apa untuk birthday dia. Dia cakap tak tau and dia siap cakap lagi yang dia dah ada semua benda dah. So, tak tau nak apa. OK. That's funny. Sebab kalau aku, aku dah mintak macam2 ouh. Cam dia boleh lagi cakap camtu. Aku cam terkejut jugak laa.
Ok. About today... hmm. Nothing much happen. Sebab tak keluar pun siang. Aku bangun lambat gila harini. I took advantage of my dad not being home masa lunch. So, I woke up at 2.30pm. Cam tak sedar pun pukul 2.30pm. Ingat kan pukul 11am camtu. Aku sebenarnya nak sambung tidur balik but lepas checked phone, aku terus bangun. Watched Upik Abu and Laura alone. My bros and sis was taking their lunch while I was in my parent's room. Then, faeesol and Nana gi rumah mummy (my aunt but we called her mummy). My grandma baru je sampai semalam. Mummy ambik dia all the way from kedah. Mummy tak de maid for a month sebab maid dia balik cuti macam aku haritu. So, tok datang sini sebab nak tengokkan baby masa mummy tengah masak.
Gila boring duduk rumah. Takde benda nak buat selain tengok tv, on9, makan, baring and tidur. Tu je aku buat. Lama2 boleh jadi gemuk aku macamtu. haha. Bagus aa camtu. I need to put on some weight. Senang sikit nak cari seluar. Ni tak, asyik longgar je bahagian pinggang. Haish.
Pukul 6 camtu call Faeesol suruh balik. Dah 1/2 jam tunggu dia, tapi tak balik2. Call dia lagi. Dia tak balik lagi. Ayah was pissed off. Then, aku cakap kat ayah biar aku je aa yang ambik. Aku tukar seluar and pakai seluar tidur Faeez. Hehe. Mula2 pakai shorts. Segan aa nak pakai shorts gi rumah mummy sebab tok aku ada. Mak and Faeez pun ikut jugak. Parked the car infront of mummy's house. Had a little chit chat with Mummy and Tok while eating cheesecake and durian.
Pastu balik rumah. Pukul 7.35pm, keluar. Sent Faeesol to taekwondo class. Aku ni dah macam driver diorang pulak. Hehe. Faeez tagged along. Masa kat jambatan nak gi kelana jaya and subang jaya tu, jalan jam gila. So, I decided guna jalan Kelana Jaya. Nasib jam before bridge tu. Kalau lepas tu, memang Faeesol tak gi taekwondo aa nampaknya. Jam teruk gila ouh.
Went to Old Town White Coffee kat giant Kelana Jaya tu with Faeez. Ordered Fire Polo Bun and Iced Old Town White Coffee. Mula2 Faeez yang nak makan bun tu. Tapi last2 aku yang makan sebab Faeez cakap dia sakit perut nak muntah. Lepas makan, terus gi balik kat taekwondo class Faeesol.
Bila dah parked kereta and Faeez turun je, dia terus gi kat longkang and muntah. Masa aku turun kereta, aku tercari-cari dia. Sebab dia cam menghilang je tiba2. Then, aku nampak dia muntah banyak gila. Euw.. Gila banyak wey. Scary je tengok Faeez. Aku tolong Faeez dengan gosok belakang dia. Then, Faeesol nampak Faeez muntah. Dia siap bagi air kat Faeez. Lepas muntah, gi tengok Faeesol taekwondo. Cikgu dia ada cakap sikit pasal tournament MSSD minggu depan. And dia kena timbang berat on monday pukul 10 kena ada kat tempat tu. Faeesol lawan hari rabu. So, aku kena laa bawak Faeesol gi weighing and tournament tu. Kena laa bangun awal. Tak boleh lambat. Haish.
Then, balik rumah dengan selamatnya. Bila sampai je , ayah pulak nak keluar gi main badminton. Bila ayah dah gi, aku baru teingat laptop aku ni dalam kereta ayah. So, terpaksa laa tunggu sampai pukul 12 baru ayah balik.
That's all for now.
June 8, 2009
Texted Sopi and mak telling them that I was going out. Sopi was going to fetch me later after I sent the car at the workshop. That was the plan.
Went to the workshop. Waited for awhile. Watched the guy changing the rim of my car. Then, lepas that guy siap je, Sopi pun sampai. Told Sopi yang kete dah siap and apologised to her sebab menyusahkan dia je. She went back to Giant again. I went in, to the workshop. Tanya tauke tu semua ok ke tak. Then, tauke tu bagitau pasal the damage on the rim. Dia cakap someone ada accident and terkena tayar and rim rosak. I know who did that. It was me but I didn't tell her. I just kept quiet. haha. So, I know it was my fault.
Mak had already told her that ayah will come later and pay the bill.
I went home. guna jalan yang lalu kat traffic light giant tu. Saja nak test kete tu. Yay!!! Dah tak bergegar dah. Sedap je bawak laju. Before ni susah sikit nak bawak over 100km/hr. Sebab stereng and tayar yang belah kiri kat depan bergegar kuat gila. Scary je kalau drive laju dulu. But now dah ok. Yippie. hehe.
Went home and watched tv with faeez. While watching tv , mak called me several of times and the last call, she told me to get ready. Dia suruh teman dia gi damansara nak gi bawak naza tu cat. And nak gi repair yang accident aritu.
Pukul 1 pm mak sampai. Keluar dengan and aku tunjuk laa jalan kat mak. Mak ingatkan kat sg penchala. Aku tunjuk je laa sampai kat situ. Tapi tengok2 kat sg ara. Kat dengan taman megah tu. Haish. Kena laa pusing balik.
Jumpa ayah kat sana. Bila dah sampai, cari kedai pulak tak jumpa. Ayah called the guy and he asked us to wait at the Shell. So, waited for him at the shell. tapi dia hantar worker dia untuk jumpa kitorang. Worker dia bawak kitorang sampai kat kedai dia. Dia baru pindah kedai dia. Patut tak jumpa.
Laki tu nampak je bekas calar and kemek tu terus cam haish. Dia cam bengung gila. Cam aku langgar teruk gila kot cam the way dia tengok benda tu cam dia pikir laa cam mana nak repair benda tu. Haish. Sedih gila aku.
Tapi dia try jugak. So, the car will be staying at his place for 2 or 3 days. So, tak drive aa aku siang2 hari. Duduk rumah je . Bagus jugak camtu. Takde laa keluarkan duit. Boleh simpan duit . hehe.
Pastu nak hantar mak pulak gi keje. Before hantar mak, kitorang singgah kat satu stall ni kat ktm subang jaya. BEli meehon and mee sup and mee kari. Sent mak to work.
Gi kat workshop yang repair kerete pagi tadi. Bayar duit. Then, ayah sent me home. Makan lunch. Watched Upik Abu and Laura and I fell asleep. I slept sampai pukul 7 pm. Watched matahari.
That's all bout today. Nothing much happen. Just sent the car to the workshop and went home. Nothing interesting.
-love, fau
Kuala Pilah
That morning. eh. Correction! That afternoon, hehe, mak called me to wake me up. I heard her voice from downstairs. I asked her, "ma kat bawah ke?". She said, "yup. mak kat bawah." I asked her again, " kenapa mak call? Kenapa tak naik je?" She said that she was too lazy to come upstairs and told me to get ready to go to Kuala Pilah.
The reason we were going to Kuala Pilah sebab nak survey UiTM aku kat sana.
I switched on the radio and took my towel outside my room. Went to the toilet and took shower. My hair was not in a good shape. It was oily and dirty. I decided to wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner. When I washed my hair, I'll take a long time to shower.
Put on my clothes and wore eyeliner. Went downstairs and took lunch with Faeez.
We went out after that. The journey to Kuala Pilah took us almost 2 hours.
Aku tak expect Kuala Pilah macam yang aku nampak semalam. It was totally dofferent from my expectation. I don't know whether I'm going to survey there or not. I hope I'm ok there. I always told Lala I'll be friends with monkeys at Kuala Pilah. and you want to know something??!!! There was really a monkey at Kuala Pilah. The monkey is big. hoish. So, I'm gonna be friends with monkeys after this. Haha.
My campus is just near from Kuala Pilah matriculation college. So, maybe one day I'll meet zue there. I'm hoping to see her. sebab boleh dia guide jalan for the 1st few weeks.
Mak told me that I've already been a town girl for almost 18 years. So, enough of that. Now, I have to leave the town lifestyle and start a new life at Kuala Pilah. I didn't say any words when we arrived at Kuala Pilah.
Atleast, my campus is just near the Kuala Pilah town but I have to take a ride to go there. Jauh laa if jalan kaki. My parents told me that they'll visit me once a month. Haish. Even my parents pun dah tak nak jumpa anak dia kat situ. Jalan kat situ agak bahaya aa. Jalan dia bengkang-bengkok and tepi jalan tu ada gaung. So, a bit dangerous.
Everything ada kat situ. Macam Maybank, kedai makan (tak tau laa bukak 24 jam ke ape), hospital, balai polis (HQ), istana even taman ular sawa pun ada. euw... I hope takde laa trip gi sana. I'm phobia of snakes. My campus is small. It's not big and tak nampak canggih form outside aa. Tak macam campus kat shah alam.
My mum asked me several of times what's my opinion of my campus. I just said I don't know. I just don't want to say anything about it.
My mum yang excited lebih sebab banyak fresh fruits and veggies. Plus, she really likes the village environment. Banyak laa mak cite pasal village environment. And told me about what Negeri Sembilan people eat. I saw the minangkabau house. The roof was totally different from here. I can't explain how was the roof but you guys should check it out.
On our back home, mak singgah beli madu, banana and dragon fruits. Mak ni macam2 laaa. hahaha.
Before masuk highway, kitorang singgah Petronas because Nana had to pee. Ayah, Faeez and me bought some foods there. We were veryhungry.
There was a minor traffic jam at the highway. This is due to the accident. Lepas accident tu jalan ok balik. Pastu jam balik sebab accident lagi. Pastu jalan ok balik. After a few kilometres, jalan jam balik sebab accident. Ni laa malaysia. Everytime accident je mesti jam. Padahal kereta tu kat tepi and tak block jalan sapa2 pun. Ni semua macam busybody nak tengok.
Sepanjang perjalanan, ayah buat macam2 lawak. We all couldn't stop laughing.
Sampai je rumah, went to my room and baring jap. Ingatkan nak tidur rumah Fanah but then, kena bangun awal pagi ni. So, tak jadilaa. I told Sopi that I was not going to Fanah's house. Sorry Fanah.
Chat dengan Lala kejap. Pastu makan, Watched tv and main games sampai 3 pagi. Tak sedar gila dah pukul 3 pagi masa tu. Went to my room. I slept at 5 am last night.
That's all for now.
June 7, 2009
I woke up at 10.30am. Checked my phone but there was no messages. So, I just laid down. 1/2 after that, I received a text message from Mira asking me whether I'm awake or not. I replied saying I'm awake.
I switched the radio and went to the toilet. Washed my face first. Searched for my specs at the dressing table. Went outside ambik tuala. Went off to take my shower.
At 12 pm, Mira fetched me and went to her house. She went to Mydin before fetching me. On her way back home, she fetched me. She had her lunch and off we went to the dance class.
When we arrived, cam nampak orang tengah buat persiapan untuk satu wedding ni. Tak tau laa wedding Melayu ke India. Masa kat bawah, kitorang dah dengar someone tengah karaoke kat class tarian. We thought Adam was singing but it was Cikgu Man's son.
Diorang karaoke sampai pukul 2 pm. Mira pun karaoke jgak. Aku tak sebab malu gila.
Lepas dah karaoke we rehearsed a few dances that we had learnt. Macam kurik kundi, inang, joget 106, nirmala, joget, etc... Lepas dah rehearsed semua tu, kitorang sambung balik karaoke. I mean diorang sambung balik karoake. Mira sempat lagi tidur kat class tarian. Dah laa cam tidur tengah2 orang nak jalan.
Then, the boys main silat2 pulak. Mira sang 2 songs and then, Mira asked permission to go back. CIkgu Man gave green light and we went to Pangkin to meet Lala. We met at Secret Recipe. There we Zack, Sopi, Alin and Lala when we arrived. Ayai was on his way back home.
Mira ordered Iced Lemon Tea and Choc Indulgence cake. Tu pun Lala belanja. Sembang sekejap. Then, pukul 6 kitorang blah from secret. Mira went home. I followed Alin. Sopi went home sebab nak hantar kereta. Ayah dia nak guna kereta. Alin nak gi main layang2. So, ajak Sopi. and Suruh Lala ajak Liyl, her friend ikut sekali dengan kitorang. She called Liyl and Liyl pun cakap ok.
Gi rumah Lala sebab Lala nak tukar t-shirt. Then, went to Liyl's house to fetched her. After that, went back to Lala's house nak ambik camera dia. Went to fetch Sopi at her house and went to Padang Layang2. I called that place padang layang2. Actually, it was not called padang layang2. I just called it that sebab memang tempat tu orang main layang2 and helicopter mainan.
Main layang2 Alin. Took some shots and met Baya and her siblings there. Aku makan ubi goreng Baya. Tak malu je aku ni. Haha. Sorry baya. Tengah lapar masa tu. Baya said goodbye to Lala and we went home. Sent Liyl home first and then, Lala. Gave her a hug and off to sent Sopi then, Alin sent me home.
It was really a great day. I was very happy that day. There was no one to ruin my day yesterday. It was just perfect.
and to Lala, Liyl is a great and she's a nice person. She's friendly too. Thanks for introducing her to us , I mean to me atleast I know that she's a nice person. =)
That's all.
-love, fau
Medical Check Up
I woke up that day with a frightening face , that was what my bro said. Haha. Apa laa Faeez tu. I went to my parent's room, searching for Faeesol. He was lying down while watching tv with Nana. They were watching Tom and Jerry. Looked at the time and asked Faeez what time for solat Jumaat. He said 1 smthng. That time was only 11am. So, went to my room and switched on the radio. Took shower. After put on my clothes, I went downstairs. Just looked what my maid had cooked. I didn't eat because I had medical check up in the evening with Sopi.
On9 for awhile and scolded Faeesol because he ddin't listen to Faeez's instructions. I asked him to take shower. he went to take shower with a sour face.
Teman Faeez makan. Watching him eating, made me hungry. but I still didn't eat.
At 1 something, I sent Faeez and Faeesol to the mosque. Nana and I went to Sopi's house for awhile. She asked me what to bring to medical check up. I just said a form from UiTM and cash. I told her to do the medical check up at DEMC since Adlin and Iwa told me that it was cheaper than the other clinics.
Faeez texted Nana around 2pm, that he had finished praying. Went to fetched them. but the road was busy. There were monir traffic jam at the mosque. I asked them to came out from the mosque and searched for Naza.
After fetching them, I sent them home and waited for Sopi to pick me up.
We went to Section 9 and Sopi parked her car at Shah Alam Mall. We walked from the Shah ALam Mall to the DEMC since it was near.
When we arrived, we asked the nurse at the "temujanji" counter. That was what written on that table. Sopi tanya mana nak gi medical check up. Nurse tu cakap kena gi kaunter "pendaftaran" dulu.
So, we went to the registration counter. Asked her about the medical check up thingy.
We had to fill the UiTM form first and paste our passport picture. Lucky me, I had a passsport picture in my purse. Same goes to Sopi. Since we did not take our pictures yet.
After we sent the form, we had to fill another form. The hospital form. Aduhai. Banyak pulak kena isi.
It took 1/2 hour just to fill the form. Lepas dah hantar borang tu, nurse tu bagi cam satu bekas untuk isi air kencing and a letter. She told me to go to the 3rd floor. So, I went to the 3rd floor with Sopi. Went to the toilet first to pee into the container. haha. I pee directly into the container. woohoo. haha. I shouldn't told you guys about that. I know it's disgustiong. I'm sorry. I'm just excited about the medical check up because this is my first time.
Bagi bekas tu kat Lab. Masa nak cari lift nak turun, kitorang boleh sesat kat tingkat 3 tu. Eventhough the 3rd floor was small. The floor was a bit complicated. Went downstairs and to the registration counter again.
The nurse gave us a small paper with a number on it and a paper. The nurse told us to go the x-raya area. Gave the paper to the lady at the x-ray counter. She told us to sit first. Waited for awhile. Sopi and I were nervous. Hehe. Then, it was my turn to go. Went into the room and changed into the blue dress. I had to leaned in this one machine and hold my breath for awhile. The procedure was very fast. Then, changed into my clothes and went outside.
After that I had to go into another room for another examination. Blood pressure, eye examination, colour blindness, weight, height ....
After that, we had to go infront again and waited for the results. While waiting, I went to the pharmacy, which was just next to the DEMC. I bought small packet of Chipsmore, a packet of Tiger biscuits, Mars and a milo.
I was hungry.Aku makan laa masa nak tunggu tu. Masa tengah makan, tiba2 diorang panggil suruh masuk dalam bilik ni. The doctor told me about the results. Everything went well. Jahat gila ada satu nurse ni. The nurse is a guy. Dia cakap , "eh. Ni salah orang ni. Muka lain je." Dia cakap camtu sebab the passport picture tak
pakai specs and masa medical check up tu aku pakai specs.
Then, Sopi went in after I finished. But she went into another room. While waiting for her, keluar laa nurse yang jahat tu with my x-ray and my results. He gave me the x-ray and results. I said thanks and continued waiting for Sopi. After Sopi went out from the room, we had to wait for her x-ray and results.
Lepas dah dapat semua tu, we quickly went back to Shah Alam mall. Paid the carpark ticket at the autopay and went out from SHah Alam mall. We went to Sopi's dentist. It's still in section 9, not far from Shah Alam mall.
The dentist did something to Sopi's teeth.
After that, Sopi sent me to Shah Alam mall and she went to work after that. Met Adlin and Iwa there. We hang out at the Pak Long Kopitiam for awhile and Iwa sent us backafter that. I had great time with Adlin and Iwa. Banyak laa yang kitorang sembang. Macam2. Almost every topics.
Went home safely with a big smile on my face. hehe.
That's all about the medical check up.
June 6, 2009
Ladies Day Out
"Tenenenet". That's mean I received a message. Even I heard it, I just continued sleeping. That time was 7 am. I was really sleepy. But then, at 8 am I woke up and checked the message. I replied it. But then, we continued messaging until 9.30am. Then, I fall asleep infont of the tv. Then, went to my room to continue sleeping. At 10.30am, Iwa called and ajak keluar dengan dia and Adlin. Ladies day out. hehe. I called my mom to ask for her permission and she said ok. I texted ayah to tell him that I was going out with Iwa and Adlin. He also said ok.
Woke up after told Iwa that I can go out. Took shower and watched tv.
I ate lunch after my maid set the table. Get ready and waited for Iwa to pick me up. She fetched me at 2 pm. Then, went to Adlin's house to fetch her and we went to Bangsar. Iwa drove her kembara. She parked her car at Bangsar Village. We sang in the car masa nak pegi and even nak balik pun kitorang nyanyi jugak. We had a great time. Kitorang masuk banyak boutique. Adlin bought a dress at Seventeen. The paper bag from that boutique is very nice. Haha. At Moca, I think, I found a nice cardigan and at Gossips, I really like the shoes. The shoes and the cardigan are cheap. Not over hundred.
And kitorang enjoy our time at the boutiques by singing the songs that were played at the boutiques.
At 4 pm, after Iwa paid the car park ticket at the auto pay machine, we went to OU. Masa on the way nak gi OU ada traffic jam. Ni pun sebab ada accident.
After parked the car, we went to Topshop first since Adlin wanted to buy a shirt there. We went to GSC but there was a very long queue. At first, we planned to catch a movie but the plan cancelled due to the long queue. Iwa tried to book the ticket of 17 Again but the movie started very late. We went to Subway. Lepas beli apa Iwa beli tu, we went to Waffle World. We hang out for awhile.
Then, continued shopping. Went to Padini. Adlin bought 2 shirts and a shirt for his bro. Then, went to Zara. Adlin bought a shirt there too. The guys at the Zara were totally checking on Adlin. Haha. After that, we went to Pull and Bear but we didn't buy anything.
Went home. Before sending me home, Iwa refill the petrol.
After that, she sent me home. I really had a great time with them. At 9 pm, I sent Faeesol to tuition at Pangkin. Went home and watched Transformer with Faeez and Nana.
At 10pm, fetched Faeesol. Mula-mula ingatkan nak beli burger but Abang Burger tu tak jual pulak malam tu. So, went to Mydin to buy bread and eggs. Went home and continued watching Transformer with my siblings.
I really had fun with Iwa and Adlin. I hope I can do it again later when they came back from their uni.
That's all for now.
June 4, 2009
Monsters vs Aliens
My phone vibrated. The vibration woke me up. I looked at my phone and it showed that it was 9 am. Went to search for my siblings. They were all in my parent's room. They were watching tv. I told them to take shower but they refused to do it. They wanted to finish the movie that they were watching anf the movie that they were watching was going to finish at 10.30am. I was piss off a bit. but just followed what they want. After the movie ended, told them to take their breakfast and took their shower. At 11 am, went out from the house.
Called Sopi's phone but she didn't answer her phone. So, I decided to refill the petrol. I gave Faeez RM50. but then, he lost it. Actually, it wasn't lost but it was in his pocket. We found the RM50 when we arrived home in the evening. haish. Then, gave him another RM50 to him. Asked him to go the counter and told the guy yang kita nak isi RM30 je.
The banggla guy filled the petrol for us. Thanks to the guy. When that guy was filling the petrol, I was busy searching for the RM50.
Went to fetch Sopi and his brother. Fetched Fanah's bros too.
Before went to SP, we went to my mum's office sebab nak ambik duit kat mak.
Went to SP. Lepas dah touch n' go, something bad happened to me. It's a nightmare. I'm not going to tell what was happened.
After that I was feeling moody. Parked the car.
Went to TGV to buy the tickets. The queue was very long. Asked Fanah whether she had already booked the tickets by sending a text message to her. She said yes a gave the booking number. We were lucky because we don't have to queue up. But before we got the message, we queue first because we scared that Fanah didn't book it.
They watched Night at The Museum 2 at 1.30pm while me and my siblings watched Monsters vs Aliens at 2.45pm.
After bought the tickets, I called mak and told about the bad news to her. I cried a bit. Haha. Malu je. Sebab ternangis depan adik2 fanah and adik Sopi. hehe sorry.
Then, went to KFC to wait for Fanah and her friend, Shauni. When Fanah and Shauni arrived, I took my siblings to Pizza Hut. Mula2 ingatkan nak makan kat Pappa Rich. But then, Faeez told me that he was full. Then, I decided to go Waffle World since I was craving for its waffle. Masa nak keluar KFC, ternampak Pizza Hut and decided to eat at PIzza Hut. My siblings agreed.
Ordered 1 regular Island Supreme Pizza, 4 parmesan bread sticks, 2 mushroom soups, 2 pepsi, 1 iced milo and 1 seafood lasagna. I thought we were not going to finish all that. tapi semua cuci calat. habis. My sis makan banyak gila. A slice of pizza, a bowl of mushroom soup and a parmesan bread stick.
Went to Thai Thai restaurant to meet my dad. Ayah gave me some money and went window shopping. At 2.40pm, we went to TGV. Bought 1 iced milo, 1 iced lemon tea and a regular pop corn. We had brought Nacho's from home.
Watched the movie. The movie was hillarious. hehe. My siblings had a good time watching that movie. But there was a group of boys sitting behind us and they were noisy. They talked very loud even the movie had already started. They don't have any manners at all. They were rude to other people. I just want to curse them, but my siblings were there so, kenalaa jaga manners tu. Nanti kang dia report pulak kat mak ayah. hehe.
After the movie ended, Faeez and Faeesol went to pray while Nana and I went to the toilet at the Pyramid Tower Hotel. The toilet there was cleaner than at SP. After that, went window shopping again. So, before went to UiTM, I'm going to buy singlet, MNG shirt, boxers, cardigan and sweater. Bought Chocolatebon. We had to wait about 17 mins for it.
Continued window shopping. At 5.45pm, Faeez and Faeesol went to pray. Then, I saw Lala and her sis. They were at Starbucks and I was upstairs. Went home.
I think that's all about yesterday.
June 2, 2009
Terminator Salvation
I woke up early today sebab nak keluar dengan Sopi, Lala, Fanah and Zack tengok wayang. Woke up at 9.15am. Arrggghhhhh.... Malasnya nak bangun. I was still sleepy and couldn't open my eyes. Slept late last night. Around 4.30am. I couldn't sleep. Because:
First, aku tidur lama petang semalam. From 2 pm until 7.30 pm. 5 jam 1/2 aku tidur.
2nd, ntah kenapa, dah banyak ari aku cam emo je. Maybe sebab kwn2 semua dh nak gi kot. hehe.
Masa pukul 9.30am, I was on my way to the toilet, when suddenly, "Tenenenet". That was the sound of my phone telling me that I receive a message. Lala texted me and asked me whther I'm awake or not. Replied her message and off to the toilet.
Took shower about 30 minutes. best gila mandi pagi tadi. Maybe sebab kat bilik sejuk gila and then, mandi air panas. wuish. Sedap gila.
Pakai baju and pakai eyeliner. Then, waited for them. Masa on the way nak turun bawah, tiba2 dengar bunyi hon. Lari balik naik atas and took my bag kat bilik, pastu keluar. Lala drove her car. Sopi ada dalam kete masa tu. Fetched Zack at his house.
After Lala parked her car, we went straight to TGV to meet Fanah. instead we met her at the escalator nak g TGV. Pastu kena laa queue nak beli ticket. Dah laa panjang. Ni sebab school holidays. aduhai.
At first, Sopi, Fanah and me queue. But then, masa nak dekat counter, aku dengan Fanah je queue. Sopi gi kat Lala and Zack.
After bought the ticket,
Sopi: Movie apa?
Fanah: Syurga Cinta la.Sopi: Ha?? Betul ke??
Fau: Yela.. Kan tadi dah cakap.
Fanah: Ha a.. Tu la. Tak pe. Nanti explain la dgn Alin.
She looked at Lala and asked Lala.
Sopi: Betol ke?
Lala: Betol laa. Kan tadi dah cakap.
Sopi: Asal tak beli Terminator yang kau nak sgt tu?
Fanah: Dah abis!!! Kau ni pun.
Sopi: Laaa. Sian Alin oh...
Fau: Tak pe la..
It was damn funny to lie to Sopi since she always fools us. hehe. I know it was a bit cruel to gang up and fooled her. Tapi tu main2 je. Gurauan semata-mata. hehe.
After buying foods and drinks, we went in. The movie started at 11.30am. The advertisement was really long. Selalunya, sekejap je. Then, the movie started with dark scene.
Sopi: Fau, kenapa cam menakutkan je? Aku x tau plk movie ni scary.
Fau: Haha. kau ni.
Fanah: Weh, kau tak tau lagi eh kita nak tgk Terminator?
Ok.. That's funny. She really thought that we were going to watch Syurga Cinta. haha. We laughed because she fooled by us. haha.
Even the advertisement of Columbia Pictures, she was still couldn't figure out that we weren't watching Syurga Cinta. haha. apa aa sopi ni.
The movie was okay. But the sound was too loud. I closed my ears masa movie tu. Takot nanti terkejut plk. I adored the actor that act as John Conner in that movie. He's hot.
The movie ended at 1.30pm and we were all arguing about where to eat. haha. Kitorang tunggu and tengok main ice-skating until someone buat decision. We were all waited about 5 to 10 minutes.
Then, finally, Sopi chose to go to Pizza Hut. Fanah ordered Thai Seafood and Super Supreme Pizza. All regular sized.
At Pizza Hut, Fanah started making weird noises. Hehe. She called Lala, Mama... Macam2 lagi aa. It was hillarious.
Fanah went to her college and we all went home. but this time Zack drove Lala's car. He drove very slow. His reason was that it's raining and the road is slippery. I thought he gonna drove very fast.
They sent me home first. I reached home at 3.30pm. Watched Upik Abu and Laura that I recorded with Nana. After that, waited for Faeez, ayah and mak to come home. Mak arrived at 6pm while Faeez and ayah at 7.30pm.
Ayah asked me to sent Faeesol to Taekwondo class. I drove very fast. Almost accident pun ada jugak. Sebab dah lambat sangat. The class started at 7.45pm but we went out from the house at 7.40pm. It took us 15 minutes to arrive at Taman Megah.
Pusing2 jap kat kawasan tu. Then, waited for Faeesol to finish the class in the car. While waiting for him, I switched on my laptop and listened to the music and edited some photos. At 8.50pm, I went out from the car. Saja nak tengok Faeesol and listened to what Faeesol's trainer gonna say. After the class end, I told Faeesol to take the Power Sport competition. At first, he refused but then, I forced him to.
Went in the car after took the form. But this time, I drove more careful. haha.
Went to 7E at pangkin to buy topup for Faeez and me. Went home. Gave the topup to Faeez and watched tv. Watched Ugly Betty. I only watched the end part of that movie. Then, watched Desperate Housewives.....
That's all for now. I must go to bed now. Because I have to wake up early tomorrow. I'm going out with my siblings, Sopi and her brother, Fanah and her sis tomorrow. We were going to catch a movie tomorrow. Hope that it will be a great day tomorrow. Muah.