June 7, 2009


Yesterday (6/6/2009)
I woke up at 10.30am. Checked my phone but there was no messages. So, I just laid down. 1/2 after that, I received a text message from Mira asking me whether I'm awake or not. I replied saying I'm awake.

I switched the radio and went to the toilet. Washed my face first. Searched for my specs at the dressing table. Went outside ambik tuala. Went off to take my shower.

At 12 pm, Mira fetched me and went to her house. She went to Mydin before fetching me. On her way back home, she fetched me. She had her lunch and off we went to the dance class.

When we arrived, cam nampak orang tengah buat persiapan untuk satu wedding ni. Tak tau laa wedding Melayu ke India. Masa kat bawah, kitorang dah dengar someone tengah karaoke kat class tarian. We thought Adam was singing but it was Cikgu Man's son.

Diorang karaoke sampai pukul 2 pm. Mira pun karaoke jgak. Aku tak sebab malu gila.

Lepas dah karaoke we rehearsed a few dances that we had learnt. Macam kurik kundi, inang, joget 106, nirmala, joget, etc... Lepas dah rehearsed semua tu, kitorang sambung balik karaoke. I mean diorang sambung balik karoake. Mira sempat lagi tidur kat class tarian. Dah laa cam tidur tengah2 orang nak jalan.

Then, the boys main silat2 pulak. Mira sang 2 songs and then, Mira asked permission to go back. CIkgu Man gave green light and we went to Pangkin to meet Lala. We met at Secret Recipe. There we Zack, Sopi, Alin and Lala when we arrived. Ayai was on his way back home.

Mira ordered Iced Lemon Tea and Choc Indulgence cake. Tu pun Lala belanja. Sembang sekejap. Then, pukul 6 kitorang blah from secret. Mira went home. I followed Alin. Sopi went home sebab nak hantar kereta. Ayah dia nak guna kereta. Alin nak gi main layang2. So, ajak Sopi. and Suruh Lala ajak Liyl, her friend ikut sekali dengan kitorang. She called Liyl and Liyl pun cakap ok.

Gi rumah Lala sebab Lala nak tukar t-shirt. Then, went to Liyl's house to fetched her. After that, went back to Lala's house nak ambik camera dia. Went to fetch Sopi at her house and went to Padang Layang2. I called that place padang layang2. Actually, it was not called padang layang2. I just called it that sebab memang tempat tu orang main layang2 and helicopter mainan.

Main layang2 Alin. Took some shots and met Baya and her siblings there. Aku makan ubi goreng Baya. Tak malu je aku ni. Haha. Sorry baya. Tengah lapar masa tu. Baya said goodbye to Lala and we went home. Sent Liyl home first and then, Lala. Gave her a hug and off to sent Sopi then, Alin sent me home.

It was really a great day. I was very happy that day. There was no one to ruin my day yesterday. It was just perfect.

and to Lala, Liyl is a great and she's a nice person. She's friendly too. Thanks for introducing her to us , I mean to me atleast I know that she's a nice person. =)

That's all.
-love, fau


Anonymous said...

aku halalkan.

Lolo said...

bagus aa cmtu. haha. sedap btol ubi goreng tu.