June 8, 2009


I had to sent Naza to workshop today. So, woke up at 10.15am. Actually, I was awake before that but then, I fell asleep again. Took my shower and went downstairs to take my breakfast. You know what? Pity me. My siblings tinggalkan sikit je mee goreng untuk aku. Sikit sangat. Haish. Apa aa adik2 aku ni. Tak sayang kat kakak dia ke???!!! hehe.

Texted Sopi and mak telling them that I was going out. Sopi was going to fetch me later after I sent the car at the workshop. That was the plan.

Went to the workshop. Waited for awhile. Watched the guy changing the rim of my car. Then, lepas that guy siap je, Sopi pun sampai. Told Sopi yang kete dah siap and apologised to her sebab menyusahkan dia je. She went back to Giant again. I went in, to the workshop. Tanya tauke tu semua ok ke tak. Then, tauke tu bagitau pasal the damage on the rim. Dia cakap someone ada accident and terkena tayar and rim rosak. I know who did that. It was me but I didn't tell her. I just kept quiet. haha. So, I know it was my fault.

Mak had already told her that ayah will come later and pay the bill.

I went home. guna jalan yang lalu kat traffic light giant tu. Saja nak test kete tu. Yay!!! Dah tak bergegar dah. Sedap je bawak laju. Before ni susah sikit nak bawak over 100km/hr. Sebab stereng and tayar yang belah kiri kat depan bergegar kuat gila. Scary je kalau drive laju dulu. But now dah ok. Yippie. hehe.

Went home and watched tv with faeez. While watching tv , mak called me several of times and the last call, she told me to get ready. Dia suruh teman dia gi damansara nak gi bawak naza tu cat. And nak gi repair yang accident aritu.

Pukul 1 pm mak sampai. Keluar dengan and aku tunjuk laa jalan kat mak. Mak ingatkan kat sg penchala. Aku tunjuk je laa sampai kat situ. Tapi tengok2 kat sg ara. Kat dengan taman megah tu. Haish. Kena laa pusing balik.

Jumpa ayah kat sana. Bila dah sampai, cari kedai pulak tak jumpa. Ayah called the guy and he asked us to wait at the Shell. So, waited for him at the shell. tapi dia hantar worker dia untuk jumpa kitorang. Worker dia bawak kitorang sampai kat kedai dia. Dia baru pindah kedai dia. Patut tak jumpa.

Laki tu nampak je bekas calar and kemek tu terus cam haish. Dia cam bengung gila. Cam aku langgar teruk gila kot cam the way dia tengok benda tu cam dia pikir laa cam mana nak repair benda tu. Haish. Sedih gila aku.
Tapi dia try jugak. So, the car will be staying at his place for 2 or 3 days. So, tak drive aa aku siang2 hari. Duduk rumah je . Bagus jugak camtu. Takde laa keluarkan duit. Boleh simpan duit . hehe.

Pastu nak hantar mak pulak gi keje. Before hantar mak, kitorang singgah kat satu stall ni kat ktm subang jaya. BEli meehon and mee sup and mee kari. Sent mak to work.

Gi kat workshop yang repair kerete pagi tadi. Bayar duit. Then, ayah sent me home. Makan lunch. Watched Upik Abu and Laura and I fell asleep. I slept sampai pukul 7 pm. Watched matahari.

That's all bout today. Nothing much happen. Just sent the car to the workshop and went home. Nothing interesting.

-love, fau


Farhanah Izani said...

sian gle org nk repair tu ckp cmtuuuu.
Xpe la. At least die try kan.
Alaa. Asl x ambik gmba.. Nk tgk. Hehe.
Jht aku ni. Jk tau! Tp mmg nk tgk pn =D

Anonymous said...

kenangan lahh ni.

Lolo said...

haha. tu aa. tak tau laa blh repair ke x. so, tunggu je laa ari khamis ni. hari penentuan. haha. lupa aa nak ambik gambar. lgpun nak ambik gmbr pun cm tak muat kot. sebab besar scratch nya. hahaha.

baya, mmg kenangan seumur hidup.takkan ku lupa saat2 masa tu. haha. even adik2 fanah and adik sopi pun akan igt kejadian masa tu. hahaha.