June 8, 2009

Kuala Pilah

I went to Kuala Pilah yesterday with my parents, Faeez and Nana. Faeesol didn't tag along because he wanted to watch tv.

That morning. eh. Correction! That afternoon, hehe, mak called me to wake me up. I heard her voice from downstairs. I asked her, "ma kat bawah ke?". She said, "yup. mak kat bawah." I asked her again, " kenapa mak call? Kenapa tak naik je?" She said that she was too lazy to come upstairs and told me to get ready to go to Kuala Pilah.

The reason we were going to Kuala Pilah sebab nak survey UiTM aku kat sana.

I switched on the radio and took my towel outside my room. Went to the toilet and took shower. My hair was not in a good shape. It was oily and dirty. I decided to wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner. When I washed my hair, I'll take a long time to shower.

Put on my clothes and wore eyeliner. Went downstairs and took lunch with Faeez.

We went out after that. The journey to Kuala Pilah took us almost 2 hours.

Aku tak expect Kuala Pilah macam yang aku nampak semalam. It was totally dofferent from my expectation. I don't know whether I'm going to survey there or not. I hope I'm ok there. I always told Lala I'll be friends with monkeys at Kuala Pilah. and you want to know something??!!! There was really a monkey at Kuala Pilah. The monkey is big. hoish. So, I'm gonna be friends with monkeys after this. Haha.

My campus is just near from Kuala Pilah matriculation college. So, maybe one day I'll meet zue there. I'm hoping to see her. sebab boleh dia guide jalan for the 1st few weeks.

Mak told me that I've already been a town girl for almost 18 years. So, enough of that. Now, I have to leave the town lifestyle and start a new life at Kuala Pilah. I didn't say any words when we arrived at Kuala Pilah.

Atleast, my campus is just near the Kuala Pilah town but I have to take a ride to go there. Jauh laa if jalan kaki. My parents told me that they'll visit me once a month. Haish. Even my parents pun dah tak nak jumpa anak dia kat situ. Jalan kat situ agak bahaya aa. Jalan dia bengkang-bengkok and tepi jalan tu ada gaung. So, a bit dangerous.

Everything ada kat situ. Macam Maybank, kedai makan (tak tau laa bukak 24 jam ke ape), hospital, balai polis (HQ), istana even taman ular sawa pun ada. euw... I hope takde laa trip gi sana. I'm phobia of snakes. My campus is small. It's not big and tak nampak canggih form outside aa. Tak macam campus kat shah alam.

My mum asked me several of times what's my opinion of my campus. I just said I don't know. I just don't want to say anything about it.

My mum yang excited lebih sebab banyak fresh fruits and veggies. Plus, she really likes the village environment. Banyak laa mak cite pasal village environment. And told me about what Negeri Sembilan people eat. I saw the minangkabau house. The roof was totally different from here. I can't explain how was the roof but you guys should check it out.

On our back home, mak singgah beli madu, banana and dragon fruits. Mak ni macam2 laaa. hahaha.

Before masuk highway, kitorang singgah Petronas because Nana had to pee. Ayah, Faeez and me bought some foods there. We were veryhungry.

There was a minor traffic jam at the highway. This is due to the accident. Lepas accident tu jalan ok balik. Pastu jam balik sebab accident lagi. Pastu jalan ok balik. After a few kilometres, jalan jam balik sebab accident. Ni laa malaysia. Everytime accident je mesti jam. Padahal kereta tu kat tepi and tak block jalan sapa2 pun. Ni semua macam busybody nak tengok.

Sepanjang perjalanan, ayah buat macam2 lawak. We all couldn't stop laughing.

Sampai je rumah, went to my room and baring jap. Ingatkan nak tidur rumah Fanah but then, kena bangun awal pagi ni. So, tak jadilaa. I told Sopi that I was not going to Fanah's house. Sorry Fanah.

Chat dengan Lala kejap. Pastu makan, Watched tv and main games sampai 3 pagi. Tak sedar gila dah pukul 3 pagi masa tu. Went to my room. I slept at 5 am last night.

That's all for now.


Anonymous said...

semangat betul check check.
dkt je kan?

Farhanah Izani said...

haha. Tu la..
Slalu lg ckp kwn ngn monyet, kn dh jd betul..
And lek je, sopi pn balik awl td..

Lolo said...

to baya: mesti aa smngt. nnti blh plan cam mne nak adapt kat sana. tp aduhai. bila aku tgk je kat sana. macam aku diam je aa. tak tau nak ckp ape ouh. totally different dr sini. mmg lain gila aa. haish.

to fanah: hahaha. tu aa psal. awak kena tgk monyet dia. mmg besar gila wey. gemuk je. menakotkan. haha. tau. sopi cakap td. dia ckp pkul 7 dia dh balik. hahaha.

Farhanah Izani said...

Xpe laa.. blh tido ngn die mlm2. LoL.
Ha a. tu la sopi. Jht gle pagi2 dh suh anta balik. Haha.

Lolo said...

serious wey. masa tu kita dalam kete. and dia cam siap tunjuk bontot dia yang besar lagi tu kat kitorang. haha. tu aa. blh jd best friend nnti. haha.
kesian gila awk.