March 11, 2009


Yesterday evening I went to Ani Sup Utara with Lala, Fanah (the driver), Shafiq, Zack (another driver), Alin and Mira (another driver).

Sorfina was fasting yesterday, so, she didn't join us. Mira came later. She came to the restaurant with her sleepy face. haha. Klaka je.

Fanah had to go back early. So, Alin , Fanah and Lala went home. Zack and Shafiq just sat with us for awhile but then, they had to go to somewhere else. They had things to do.

Then, I had to wait for Mira while she while she was eating. Then, around 7 pm, we went to dance class.

The dance class was tiring.

Kepala ni cam terlalu jam. Sebab penat and ada problem lagi. haish. but in the end, it became ok.

That's all about yesterday.

-love, fau

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