March 25, 2009


I just got something to say in this blog to this one person. I'm not going to tell whether the person is a he or a she. . I just want to tell you that stop ruining others relationship and friendship. Grow up please. Don't always think bout yourself. Think about others. At first, I didn't notice bout you ruining people's friendship. but now I realize it. Come on. Don't you think it's childish to do this stupid thing? Don't you feel guilty? Don't you think you have done a sin? Think please. You have a brain that was gifted by God, so, use it. Don't just keep it not functioniong. Be open-minded. Be matured. You had ruined my friendship with someone. So, I don't want it to happen again to someone else. Change your attitude. I'm getting fed up of this nonsense. Now, I'm just trying to avoid from people. Maybe I just want to stay at home and not going out and not even want to think bout the problems anymore. Give me some break please. I really need it. My brain is already full of shit. Don't add it more.

I think that's all for now.

-love, fau

1 comment:

Unknown said...

heyy fau...
rileks la...
kawan2 mmg cm tu...
xde maknenya nak stress sbb org...
juz kick ass the people that make u angry..
thats my opinion...

your blogger fren...